Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement/Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment

1370-6233 1780-4507


Impact factor: 1,087 (2020)


Philippe Vermeulen, Paul Brereton, Janice Lofthouse, Joël Smith, Olga Kehagia, Alain Krafft & Vincent Baeten
Web-based communication tools in a European research project: the example of the TRACE project
volume 13 (2009)numéro 4
Camino Belinchón Crespo, Pascal Veys, Philippe Vermeulen & Vincent Baeten
Definition of key parameters for constructing an online reference micrographs collection of processed animal particles in feed
volume 16 (2012)numéro 4
Philippe Vermeulen, Robert Oger, Michel Martinez, Vincent Baeten & Pierre Dardenne
Development of an Internet-based data explorer for a samples databases: the example of the STRATFEED project
Volume 8 (2004)Numéro 4
Ignacy Misztal, Luis Varona, Matthew Culbertson, J. Keith Bertrand, John Mabry, Thomas J. Lawlor, Curtis P. Van Tassel & Nicolas Gengler
Studies on the value of incorporating the effect of dominance in genetic evaluations of dairy cattle, beef cattle and swine
Volume 2 (1998)Numéro 4

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