N° 6 (2016) / Issue 6 (2016)
Images, Imagination, and the Making of Future in Africa. Children, Youth and the Role of Education
Jeannett Martin, Christian Ungruhe & Tabea Häberlein
Young Future Africa - Images, Imagination and its Making: An IntroductionSabrina Maurus
Times of Continuity and Development. Visions of the Future among Agro-Pastoral Children and Young People in Southern EthiopiaWolfram Laube
What Makes Kofi Run? Changing Aspirations and Cultural Models of Success in Northern GhanaSilke Oldenburg
“I am an Intellectual”. War, Youth and Higher Education in Goma (Eastern Congo)Senni Jyrkiäinen & Victoria Bisset
Great Expectations, Uncertain Futures. Urban and Online Encounters with Youth, Love and Marriage in EgyptJean Paul Filiod
Arts et petite enfance au cœur d’une mésaventure démocratiqueClarice Cohn
L’enseignement de l’anthropologie de l’enfance au BrésilClarice Cohn
Teaching the Anthropology of Childhood in Brazil (translated by Catherine V. Howard)