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- Volume 26 (2022)
- Special issue : 150 years of CRA-W
Special issue : 150 years of CRA-W
Gilbert Berben & Georges Sinnaeve
Brief overview of the origin of this special issueCaroline Battheu-Noirfalise, Eric Froidmont, Michaël Mathot & Didier Stilmant
Decision support tools for grass-based fodder management on Walloon dairy farms: current adoption and perspectivesArnaud Monty, Zoé Etcheverria & Adrien Delforge
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. seeds in bird feed in Southern Belgium, 10 years after the EU regulationJacob de Jong
The International Feed (Safety) Conferences from 2004 up to now: evolution and challengesLeonard van Raamsdonk, Bruno Hedemann, Corina Smits & Theo Prins
Specific density as parameter for separating feed ingredientsCarlos Gonçalves, Katrien Bouten, Håkan Emteborg, Joerg Stroka, Christoph von Holst & Ursula Vincent
Determination of urea in compound feed for ruminants: interlaboratory comparison for the validation of the spectrophotometric method in Commission Regulation (EC) No 152/2009Olivier Fumière, Jutta Zagon & Marie-Caroline Lecrenier
Re-authorization of gelatin and collagen of ruminant origin in non-ruminant feed: a new analytical challenge for the control of the feed banJuan Antonio Fernández Pierna, Philippe Vermeulen, Nicolas Chamberland, Virginie Decruyenaere, Eric Froidmont, Olivier Minet, Bernard Lecler & Vincent Baeten
Performance of three handheld NIR spectrometers for predicting grass silage quality