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- Volume 27 (2024)
- number 1-2
number 1-2
Florian BUYSE, Stijn DEWAELE, Matthieu N. BOONE & Veerle CNUDDE
Contribution of 3D automated mineralogy in unraveling the formation history of Nb-Ta-Sn mineralized LCT pegmatites in the Karagwe-Ankole belt (Central Africa)Allart P. VAN VIERSEN
Postcephalic segmentation and spines of the Siluro-Devonian odontopleurine trilobites Leonaspis Richter & Richter and Kettneraspis Prantl & Přibyl, with description of Bruthansovaspis gen. nov. from the Wenlock to Ludlow of the Prague BasinJef DECKERS, Dirk MUNSTERMAN, Roel DE KONINCK & Marco SCHILTZ
Facies variability of the Lower Miocene Houthalen Member in the southern Genk municipality (northeastern Belgium)Stijn EVERAERT, Jef DECKERS, Mark BOSSELAERS, Marco SCHILTZ & Stephen LOUWYE
A Neogene succession in the city centre of Antwerp (Belgium): stratigraphy, palaeontology and geotechnics of the Rubenshuis temporary outcropLéa DE BRITO, Valentin FISCHER & Cyrille PRESTIANNI
Revision of the Lower Cretaceous ovulate cone Pinus belgica Alvin (1960), one of the oldest representatives of PinusCoralie ANDRÉ, Frieda BOGEMANS, Koen SABBE, Bart VAN DE VIJVER, Annelies STORME, Luc ALLEMEERSCH, Wim DE CLERCQ, Jan TRACHET, Maxime POULAIN & Stephen LOUWYE
The palaeoecological conditions of the tidal channel network of the Zwin region (Flanders, Belgium)