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- Volume 21 (2018)
- number 3-4
number 3-4
(pp. 101-177)
Anne-Sophie MREYEN, Alain DEMOULIN & Hans-Balder HAVENITH
Seismotectonic activity in East Belgium: relevance of a major scarp and two associated landslides in the region of MalmedyLaurent DEBOUT & Julien DENAYER
Palaeoecology of the Upper Tournaisian (Mississippian) crinoidal limestones from South BelgiumMaurice STREEL, Marc PAILLET, Jérémie BEGHIN, Thomas LECLEF, Mariusz LAMENTOWICZ, Kamyar KAMRAN, Mona Court-Picon, Mohammed ALLAN, Nathalie FAGEL & Philippe GERRIENNE
Reconstructing Early Atlantic to Early Subatlantic peat-forming conditions of the ombrotrophic Misten Bog (eastern Belgium) on the basis of high-resolution analyses of pollen, testate amoebae and geochemistrySuzanne A.G. LEROY, Françoise CHALIÉ, Frank P. WESSELINGH, Mohammad Saeed SANJANI, Hamid A.K. LAHIJANI, John ATHERSUCH, Ulrich STRUCK, Gill PLUNKETT, Paula J. REIMER, Parisa HABIBI, Keivan KABIRI, Safiyeh HAGHANI, Abdolmajid NADERI BENI & Klaus ARPE
Multi-proxy indicators in a Pontocaspian system: a depth transect of surface sediment in the SE Caspian SeaAlain PREAT, Chantal DE RIDDER & David GILLAN
Bacterial origin of the red pigmentation of Phanerozoic carbonate rocks: an integrated study of geology-biology-chemistry (Ernest Van den Broeck medallist lecture 2017)
Book review