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- Volume 21 (2018)
- number 1-2
number 1-2
(pp. 1-100)
Michael A. POINTON, David M. CHEW, Bernard DELCAMBRE & George D. SEVASTOPULO
Geochemistry and origin of Carboniferous (Mississippian; Viséan) bentonites in the Namur-Dinant Basin, Belgium: evidence for a Variscan volcanic sourceDominique DELSATE, Xabier PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA, Roland FELTEN & Gilles FELTEN
First thyreophoran dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) of LuxembourgPaul PICAVET, Sibrecht RENIERE, Veerle CNUDDE, Wim DE CLERCQ, Roland DREESEN, Gilles FRONTEAU, Eric GOEMAERE & Else HARTOCH
The Macquenoise sandstone (Devonian – Lochkovian), a suitable raw material for ancient querns and millstones: quarries, properties, manufacture and distribution in France and BelgiumAlain HERBOSCH & Timothy N. DEBACKER
A new geological map of the outcrop areas of the Brabant Massif (Belgium)Frédéric BOULVAIN & Isabelle BELANGER
The Hondelange Formation and the sequence stratigraphic model of Belgian LorraineAllart P. VAN VIERSEN & Willy VANHERLE
The rise and fall of Late Devonian (Frasnian) trilobites from Belgium: taxonomy, biostratigraphy and events
Abstracts of communications presented at the ‘Master Day’ meeting, KU Leuven
Book review