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- volume 3 (2000)
- number 1-2
number 1-2
[date of publication: April 2001]
Frédéric BOULVAIN, Isabelle BELANGER, Dominique DELSATE, Danièle DOSQUET, Pierre GHYSEL, Pascal GODEFROIT, Martin LALOUX, Marc ROCHE, Hervé TEERLYNCK & Jacques THOREZ
New lithostratigraphical, sedimentological, mineralogical and palaeontological data on the Mesozoic of Belgian Lorraine: a progress reportAli ESSAHLAOUI, Hassane SAHBI & Nacer EL YAMINE
Application de la géophysique (méthode géoélectrique) à la reconnaissance du plateau de Meknès (Bassin de Saïss), MarocStephen LOUWYE
Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Miocene Zonderschot sands, northern Belgium: stratigraphic significance and correlation with contiguous areasDidier LEYNAUD, Denis JONGMANS, Hervé TEERLYNCK & Thierry CAMELBEECK
Seismic hazard assessment in BelgiumMaurice STREEL, Jacques THOREZ, Mario V. CAPUTO, Stanislas LOBOZIAK & José Henrique G. MELO
Palynology and sedimentology of laminites and tillites from the latest Famennian of the Parnaiba Basin, BrazilMarc HUMBLET & Frédéric BOULVAIN
Sedimentology of the Bieumont Member: influence of the Lion Member carbonate mounds (Frasnian, Belgium) on their sedimentary environment