- Startpagina tijdschrift
- volume 2 (1999)
- number 1-2 - Quaternary geology of Belgium: new perspectives
number 1-2 - Quaternary geology of Belgium: new perspectives
Guest editor: Cecile Baeteman [date of publication: April 2000]
Quaternary geology of Belgium: new perspectives. PrefacePaul HAESAERTS, Hans MESTDAGH & Dominique BOSQUET
The sequence of Remicourt (Hesbaye, Belgium): new insights on the pedo- and chronostratigraphy of the Rocourt soilWilly HUYBRECHTS
Post-pleniglacial floodplain sediments in Central BelgiumCecile BAETEMAN
The Holocene depositional history of the IJzer palaeovalley (Western Belgian coastal plain) with reference to the factors controlling the formation of intercalated peat bedsEtienne JUVIGNE
Téphrostratigraphie du Quaternaire en BelgiqueJef J. HUS & Raoul GEERAERTS
Palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic properties of loess-palaeosol sequences in BelgiumCyriel VERBRUGGEN
Quaternary palaeobotanical evolution of Northern BelgiumLuc DENYS
A diatom and radiocarbon perspective of the palaeoenvironmental history and stratigraphy of Holocene deposits between Oostende and Nieuwpoort (Western Coastal Plain, Belgium)