Geologica Belgica Geologica Belgica -  volume 9 (2006)  number 1-2 - Chronostratigraphic units named from Belgium 


François-Xavier Devuyst

Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland; E-mail:


Carmeuse Coordination Center, Bd de Lauzelles, 65 – B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.luc; E-mail:

Edouard POTY

Service de Paléontologie animale, Université de Liège, Bâtiment B18, Allée du 6 août, Sart Tilman, B-4000 Liège; E-mail:


ABSTRACT. The Moliniacian is the basal division of the Viséan in Belgium (regional Substage). Its base is identified by the entry of the foraminifer Eoparastaffella simplex in the Salet road section and correlates with the base of the Viséan Stage. Its top is defined by the base of the Livian Substage and coincides with a major bentonite, the ‘Banc d’or de Bachant’. It correlates with the late Chadian to Arundian of the British Isles and it provides a record of the final stage of the evolution of the Namur-Dinant Basin from a homoclinal ramp (in the Tournaisian) to a broad shelf of regional extend (end of the Moliniacian). It is characterized by varied facies reflecting different sedimentary environments across the basin and rich foraminifer and coral faunas that allow good biostratigraphic correlation. It is known from numerous sections in Belgium and Northern France.

To cite this article

François-Xavier Devuyst, Luc HANCE & Edouard POTY, «MOLINIACIAN», Geologica Belgica [En ligne], volume 9 (2006), number 1-2 - Chronostratigraphic units named from Belgium, 123-131 URL :