Index by keyword
- accompaniment
- Acoustic
- actualizing reading
- aesthetic experience
- Aesthetics
- Affectivity
- agalma
- agalmatophorein
- Agency of Image
- aisthesis
- alchemy
- alternative cartography
- Althusser
- ambiance
- Amerindian Perspectivism
- anaesthesia
- Analogy
- Anne Savelli
- architectural theory
- Architecture
- architecture
- architecture fiction
- art
- art and law
- Art and Morality
- Art History
- artification
- Artistic Obligation
- astonishment
- Astrology
- astronomy
- atmosphere
- attunement
- Authenticity
- authenticity
- authority
- Autobiography
- awareness/consciousness
- background
- Baroque art
- Baubô
- beauty
- becoming
- becoming oneself
- Becoming oneself ; educator ; self-education ; Bildung ; Selbsterziehung
- being oneself
- Belgian literature
- Benjamin – Bensaïd – Löwy - Abensour - utopia – messianism – Marxism – Weberian Marxism – strategy – commitment
- Benjamin – child – surrealism – regard – Asja Lacis – proletariat – recalling – Proust – Paris – image – habit – historical materialism – dream – experience – generation – collective
- Benjamin – Foucault – history – discontinuity – utopia – event – revolution
- Bildung
- blank spaces
- Body
- body
- boundary
- Brisset
- Buffalo Bill
- camera obscura
- capitalism
- caractère
- cartography
- Cartography
- Categoryk
- Chamoiseau
- Chaos
- character
- character-formation
- Christian mysticism
- City
- city
- city writings
- Claude-Nicolas Ledoux
- Claudie Hunzinger
- close reading
- coloniality
- comic
- comics
- communication
- comparative literature
- comprehension
- conscience of the need for theater
- consciousness
- consciousness which imagines/conciousness which perceives
- contemplation
- contemporary
- contemporary art
- contemporary city
- contemporary literature
- Contemporary Literature
- contemporary poetry
- Contingence
- continuity
- contract
- cosmology
- culture
- cynicism
- decolonial studies
- democracy
- Descartes – Vaihinger – Fiction – Metaphysics – « As if »
- determinism
- device
- devices
- dialectic
- digital
- Dilthey
- disability
- discontinuity
- discourse
- dispossession of the self
- divine sense
- dramatic of truth
- drive
- Duchamp
- dunamis
- Dupront
- Duty
- dwelling
- early modern medicine
- ecology
- ecopoetics
- ecstasy
- education
- eidos
- eikôn
- Einfühlung
- ekphrasis
- emblem book
- Emerson
- emotions
- Empathy
- Energeia
- energetic inversion
- engraving
- enunciation
- environmental awareness
- equality
- Erwin Straus
- ethopoietic
- Étienne-Louis Boullée
- Eugen Minkowski
- event
- Existence
- Existence (Dasein)
- family
- fantasy
- Feeling
- female
- fiction
- figure – montage – history – cinema
- flanerie
- flânerie
- forest
- Form
- Formalism
- forms
- Foucault
- François Bon
- François Malaval
- French contemporary literature
- French thought
- Freud
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- future
- gender
- Gender
- genealogy
- genius
- geocriticisme
- Georges Didi-Huberman
- Georges Perec
- German Romanticism
- Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari.
- Glissant
- Google Earth
- Google Street View
- grace
- Gregory of Nyssa
- grid
- Hannah Arendt
- Harriet Taylor
- Hayden White
- Hegel – Science of Logic – fiction – essence – appearance – beginning – Descartes
- Hegel – Tieck – understanding – world – theater – Phenomenology of Spirit – perspectivism – point of view – upside down – pedagogy
- hêgemôn
- Heidegger
- Hélène Gaudy
- Henri Maldiney
- hermeneutic
- heroic Frenzies
- hierarchy
- historicity
- Historiography
- history
- History
- history – language - historiography - literature – Charles Baudelaire – monad - Fiction – writing
- History – moral judgment – responsibility – guilt – grotesque – image – form – figure – deformation – disfiguration
- Hoffmann
- home
- homoiôsis
- Hubert Damisch
- husserlian phenomenology
- hut
- identity
- ideology
- Ideology and Utopy
- image
- Image
- image-presentation
- imaginary masques
- imagination
- Imagination
- impregnation
- indifference
- individual and community
- individualism
- individuality
- infra-conscious
- Inhabiting
- inhabiting the world
- installation
- Intellect
- Interdisciplinarity
- interiority and exteriority
- interpellation
- interstitial space
- intimate
- isomorphism
- Jacques Réda
- Jean Echenoz
- Jean-Jacques Lequeu.
- John Lewis
- John Stuart Mill
- John Stuart Mill
- Karl Mannheim
- Lacan
- Lacoue-Labarthe – representation – sublime – figure – rythm – prose – death – absolute
- language
- language – discontinuity – desespacio (de-spatialization) – destiempo (de-temporalization)
- Lenoir
- Leslie Kaplan.
- life of thought
- literary cartography
- literary geography
- literature and politics
- logismos
- logos
- loss
- Louis Marin
- Lucie Rico
- Luigi Pareyson
- madness
- man
- mankind
- Mannheim
- Mannheim – Heidegger – sociology of knowledge – hermeneutical ontology – meaning – thinking – being
- Mannheim – Merleau-Ponty – Ricoeur – Castoriadis – Western Marxism – Weberian Marxism – utopia – autonomy – commitment
- Mannheim – sociology of knowledge – scepticism – phenomenology – Marxism
- map
- maps
- Marguerite Duras
- Marie Ndiaye
- Marius Victorinus
- Marx
- Mauvignier
- Maylis de Kerangal
- Melancholy
- melancholy
- mental image
- metaphysics
- Metaphysics
- method
- Middle Ages
- migration
- Mill
- miniature
- minimalism
- modernity
- Molyneux's problem
- moment
- mondialisation
- moral discourse
- mother
- motion-picture art.
- Movement
- mural
- music
- myth
- N. Evreinov
- Narrative
- narrative
- narrativity
- natural history
- nature
- Nicole Malinconi
- Nietzsche
- Nietzsche.
- Nina Leger
- normativity
- noûs
- Novalis
- novel
- objectivity
- œdipian
- off-screen
- Olivier Bleys
- Olivier Hodasava
- origin
- otherness
- pact
- painting
- Paris
- Parisian arcades
- parrêsia
- pathos
- Paul Ricoeur
- perception
- performance
- performative speech
- performativity
- personality structure
- perspective
- perspectivism
- Petrifaction
- phantasy-presentation
- Phenomenology
- phenomenology
- Philippe Vasset
- philosophie of language.
- philosophy
- philosophy of history
- Philosophy of language
- Philosophy of Nature
- philosophy of religion
- photography
- Pierre Gascar
- Pierre Puget
- Pindar
- Pinoncelli
- place
- Plato
- Plotinus
- poetic narrative
- Poetics
- poetry
- poetry in French
- poièsis
- popular literature
- postcolonial studies
- power
- power.
- practices of the Self
- promise
- psukhês
- psychoanalysis
- pure love
- quality
- quantity
- Rancière
- rationalization.
- reduction “in“ phantasy.
- reduction “on“ phantasy
- reflection
- reflexivity.
- Régine Vandamme
- regret
- rehabilitation
- representation
- Resonance
- return to the land
- revolution
- Revolutionary Architecture
- rhetoric
- Rhythm
- Ricoeur
- Roland Barthes
- room/space
- sadness
- scale
- schize of the eye and the gaze.
- scholar
- Science of Art
- self
- self writing
- self-reliance
- semiotics
- sensation
- Sensation
- sense of touch
- sensible
- Sensing
- sensory space
- Sensualism
- sex
- sexuality
- Shakespeare
- shock
- silence
- socio-cultural aspects.
- Solanes – phenomenology – exile
- solitude
- sovereignty
- Space
- space
- space perception
- space writing
- space zones
- spatial awareness
- Spatialization
- spiritual exercises
- state of exception – revolutionary violence – irony
- Staunen
- Stoïcism
- Style
- subject
- subjection
- subjectivation
- sublime
- sublime.
- subversion
- suggestion
- suprasensible
- tansmediality
- teleology
- temporality
- textual analysis
- the imaginary
- the Open
- theatrotherapy
- theology
- Theories of fiction – philosophy of art – Goodman – construction – invention - concept
- theory of art
- theory of identifications
- therapeutics
- thinking
- Time
- time
- timelessness
- tomb
- tonalization
- Tonicity
- topography
- town
- Transcendental Philosophy
- transformation through play
- trompe l’oeil
- truth
- university
- urban experience
- urban space
- utopia
- vegetal
- Vertigo
- Virginie Gautier
- visibility
- Visual Culture
- visual image
- Vitality
- walk
- walking
- walls and borders
- Walter Benjamin
- Walter Benjamin – Early German Romanticism – Friedrich Schlegel – Novalis – history – prophecy –messianism – heliotropism
- Walter Benjamin – history – revolution – politics – citation – tradition – theology – French Revolution – Karl Marx
- Walter Benjamin – Jacques Derrida – writing – history – chronicle – quotation
- war
- wasteland
- western
- window
- woman
- wonder
- writing
- writing residency
- “pathic”