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Laurent LESPEZ & Marie-Anne GERMAINE

La rivière désaménagée ? Les paysages fluviaux et l’effacement des seuils et des barrages en Europe de l’Ouest et en Amérique du Nord-Est

(67 (2016/2) - Dynamique fluviale (hommage à F. Petit))
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Index de mots-clés : continuité écologique, cours d’eau, démantèlement des ouvrages en travers, restauration écologique


The principles of ecological restoration have been affirmed in river management in the Western world since the 1990s. The removal of artificial barriers to re-establish ecological continuity in rivers is one of the most typical operations. This has effects on the landscapes since they change water levels and transform the channel, sometimes even the structure of the alluvial plain. A comparative approach is proposed using examples of restored sites from north-west France, southern England and the east coast of the United States. The spatial extent of the zone covered is defined both longitudinally and transversely for each of the sites and all structures completed are inventoried. Relying mainly on field observations, analysis of the landscapes resulting from the restoration of ecological continuity as led to the differentiation of three categories of operations: occasional operations limited to the removal of the artificial structure, those resulting in channel reconfiguration and those proposing a reconfiguration of the entire valley bottom. The geographic distribution of these three types encourages discussion of the weight of national contexts as well as local specificities (e.g., urban/rural zones).

Index by keyword : dam removal, ecological restoration, re-establishment of ecological continuity, river

To cite this article

Laurent LESPEZ & Marie-Anne GERMAINE, «La rivière désaménagée ? Les paysages fluviaux et l’effacement des seuils et des barrages en Europe de l’Ouest et en Amérique du Nord-Est», Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège [En ligne], 67 (2016/2) - Dynamique fluviale (hommage à F. Petit), URL :

About: Laurent LESPEZ

Université Paris Est

Créteil Val de Marne


About: Marie-Anne GERMAINE

Université Paris Ouest

Nanterre La Défense


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