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- Devenir, être et avoir été géographe : théoriser pour légitimer une expérience ?
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Devenir, être et avoir été géographe : théoriser pour légitimer une expérience ?

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Becoming, being and having being a geographer : can theory legitimate experience ?
Building on the essential critical stance intellectual workers must develop, the author has progressively chosen to practice geography through urban daily life. In doing so, he has relied on a succession of approaches that have followed, for nearly half a century, the paradigm evolutions of a geographic discipline conceived of as a social science. Within this discipline the issue of human territoriality appeared to him as being central, along with the pursuit of active research, relying on the understanding and scientific structuring of practices and aspirations of urban actors, particularly those among them who are most fragile.
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About: Jean-Bernard RACINE
Professeur honoraire
école des HEC et Faculté des Géosciences et de l’environnement
Université de Lausanne