L’enseignant-chercheur dans la société. Un témoignage
Didier PARIS,
Professeur d’aménagement et urbanisme à l’Université de Lille 1
Directeur du laboratoire T.V.E.S
Président de l’APERAU-Internationale
Président du Conseil de Développement de Lille Métropole
Academic’s profession changed. We propose here a testimony, based mainly on two aspects for which the author strongly got involved : the professionalization of the programs of teaching in his university, and his commitment in the debate on the regional development. Indeed, the geographers and other academics, specialized in town and regional planning, cannot limit their activity to teaching and research. They have to be involved in their territory. It is a question of credibility, for them and for the institution which they represent : the university.
To cite this article
Didier PARIS, «L’enseignant-chercheur dans la société. Un témoignage», Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège [En ligne], 52 (2009/1) - La géographie... ma géographie (hommage à B. Mérenne-Schoumaker), URL : https://popups.ulg.ac.be/0770-7576/index.php?id=1375.