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De la géographie du commerce à la géographie du commerce et de la consommation

(52 (2009/1) - La géographie... ma géographie (hommage à B. Mérenne-Schoumaker))
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Index de mots-clés : commerce de détail et consommation, révolution culturelle, territoire « retailtainment »


Initiated early in my career to spatial analysis, I later took the cultural turn train to look at how culture and commerce are inseparable in today’s post industrial society. I have thus turned my attention to retailtainment space and places. In fact, I assume that in a mass consumption society, retail has become a distractive function and the places of retailing become the « hauts-lieux » of this society. Showcased as they are, these places are themselves consumed : it is a stage made of cultural signs that people used as a mediation through which they interact with each others.

Index by keyword : cultural turn, retail and consumption, retailtainment territory

To cite this article

Nathalie LEMARCHAND, «De la géographie du commerce à la géographie du commerce et de la consommation», Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège [En ligne], 52 (2009/1) - La géographie... ma géographie (hommage à B. Mérenne-Schoumaker), URL :

About: Nathalie LEMARCHAND


Université Paris 8-St-Denis

Présidente de la Commission de Géographie du com­merce, CNFG

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