Lejeunia, Revue de Botanique

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(N°173 (août 2003))
Open Access

1Verrucaria elaeina Borrer

2Belgium, Mosan: Dinant, Fonds de Leffe (H5.38), shaded calcareous rock in forest, 2 & 4.1999, D. Ertz 26 & 54 (LG); Dinant, Devant-Bouvignes (H5.37), shaded calcareous rock in forest, 3.1999, D. Ertz 37 (LG); Anseremme, rochers de Moniat (H5.47), shaded calcareous outcrop in forest, 4.1999, D. Ertz 528 (LG); Plainevaux, roche aux Faucons (F7.52), shaded calcareous rock at the top of an outcrop, 10.2001, D. Ertz 390 (LG); Embourg, rochers du Bout du Monde (F7.53), shaded and damp calcareous outcrop in forest, 11.2001, D. Ertz 399 (LG); Comblain-au-Pont, Les Tartines (G7.23), base of a calcareous outcrop in forest, 11.2001, D. Ertz 356 (LG); Yvoir, rocher de Champalle (H5.27), calcareous rock in forest, 12.2001, D. Ertz 417 (LG); Huy, entrée du vallon de Solières (G6.14), shaded calcareous rock in forest, 3.2002, D. Ertz s.n. (LG).

3Luxembourg, Lorr.: au S de Schengen, dans la forêt ‘Fiels’ (N9.12), 280 m, sur une paroi verticale ombragée en calcaire coquillier, dans une forêt, 8.1998, P. Diederich 13721 (h).

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4FIG. 1. — Ascomatal setae of Trichonectria rubefaciens. A, holotype (NY); B, P. Diederich 8910 (h) (del. G. Samuels). Scale bar = 10 μm.

5This species has recently been recognized as distinct from the closely related, but aquatic Verrucaria praetermissa (Trevis.) Anzi (ORANGE, 2000), and the records of the latter on shaded outcrops (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000) refer to it. It is new for the area of study.

6Verrucaria hegetschweileri Körb.

7Belgium, Ard.: Gedinne, centre village (K5.18), on exposed roots at the base of Acer pseudoplatanus, 5.2000, P. van den Boom 24350 (h, LG).

8This rare corticolous species of Verrucaria was known only from Switzerland and Czech Republic (BREUSS, 1998). It is new for the area of study.

9Verrucaria papillosa Ach.

10France, Pic.: Somme, à 6 km au NW d’Abbeville, Port-le-Grand, grande ferme fortifiée au centre du village (J22.17), sur un mur, 7.2001, P. Diederich 15388 (h).

11New for the study area.

12Verrucaria sorbinea Breuss

13Belgium, Mosan: SE of Rochefort, near entrance of caves (J6.15), on Tilia in parking-lot, 4.2001, P. & B. van den Boom 26421 (h, LG).

14This species was so far known only from two collections, incl. the type originating from Luxembourg (BREUSS, 1998). It is thus the third report of this most probably overlooked species.

15Vezdaea acicularis Coppins

16Belgium, Camp.: E of Leopoldsburg, S of Hechtel, Hechtelse Heide (C6.57), Calluna heathland with scattered trees, vertical facing sand along path, 3.2001, P. & B. van den Boom 26287 (h) (fertile).

17This species is widespread in the southern Netherlands, and has just been found in the Camp. district in N Belgium. It was growing close to V. retigera in a locality where an extensive population of Cladonia zopfii exists. The species was formerly known from a single locality in N France in the Ard. district (DIEDERICH et al., 1991: 43). It might be more common than previously expected, particularly in N Belgium.

18*Vouauxiella verrucosa (Vouaux) Petr. & Syd.

19This species has recently been published as new for Belgium (SÉRUSIAUX et al., 1999: 86). This has to be corrected: the corresponding specimens represent V. lichenicola (Linds.) Petr. & Syd. with verruculose conidia. Vouauxiella verrucosa has therefore to be deleted from the Checklist (DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000: 176).


21The entire material of sorediate Xanthoria specimens from LG and the private collections of P. Diederich and P. van den Boom was examined. Three species could be recognized:

22X. candelaria is the most common and widespread species and is abundant on the bark of various trees throughout the entire study area, and occurs more rarely on walls, where the thalli are often typically coralloid (Fig. 2).

23X. fallax occurs mainly in the Ard. district, more rarely in the Mosan district and, with the exception of one very old specimen from Luxembourg, is exclusively saxicolous on siliceous rocks and walls (Fig. 3).

24X. ulophyllodes also has a more restricted distribution, as it is known from the Ard. and Lorr. districts, always on the bark of trees; most specimens of X. ulophyllodes were hidden in the herbaria under X. candelaria. The recent report of X. fallax from the Boul. district in France (SPARRIUS et al., 2002) is wrong; the specimen has been re-examined by L. Sparrius (pers. comm.) who found it to belong to X. ulophyllodes (Fig. 4).

25Xanthoria fulva (Hoffm.) Poelt & Petutschnik does not appear to occur in the study area.

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26FIG. 2. — Known distribution of Xanthoria candelaria in Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France, based on the study of herbarium material, using the IFBL-grid (squares of 4 × 4 km2).

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27FIG. 3. — Known distribution of Xanthoria fallax in Belgium, Luxembourg and north­ern France, based on the study of herbarium material, using the IFBL-grid (squares of 4 × 4 km2).

Image 10000000000002CE000001FCCBABEF13.jpg

28FIG. 4. — Known distribution of Xanthoria ulophyllodes in Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France, based on the study of herbarium material, using the IFBL-grid (squares of 4 × 4 km2).

29Xanthoria fallax (Hepp) Arnold

30Belgium, Mosan: Dave, au pied des Rochers du Néviaux (G5.47), 6.1968, paroi subverticale ombragée de calc. dolomitique, J. Lambinon 68/545 (LG); Comblain-au-Pont, Les Tartines, tête des rochers calcaires au-dessus de l’hôtel ‘Relais des Gourmets’ (G7.33), 6.1967, paroi verticale exp. SW, J. Lambinon 67/282 (LG). – Ard.: La Roche-en-Ardenne, défilé de la route à l’entrée W de la localité (J7.13), 5.1960, rochers schisteux durs contre la route, J. Lambinon 60/597 (LG); Houffalize, dans la localité (départ de la route de Mabrompé) (J7.27), 5.1964, rochers (quartzophyllade) ± verticaux, exp. S, J. Lambinon 64/399 (LG); Peterskirche (comm. Reuland), près d’une petite chapelle sous roche, au début du chemin de Leithum (H8.55), 8.1964, rochers schisteux verticaux ensoleillés, J. Lambinon 64/1224 (LG); Peterskirche (comm. Reuland), vieux mur vertical de soutien de terres, bord route dans le village, exp. S (H8.55), 8.1964, J. Lambinon 64/1213 (LG); Burg-Reuland (H8.55), 8.1964, mur vertical un peu ombragé, exp. S, J. Lambinon 64/1206 (LG).

31Luxembourg, distr. unknown: S. loc., c. 1840, corticolous, F.-A. Tinant 15 (LUX). – Ard.: Michelau (rive gauche de la Sûre au N de Diekirch), muret dans le village (K8.34),.5.1966, J. Lambinon 66/248 (LG); Lellange (au SW de Bockholz-lez-Hosingen), vieux muret dans le village (K8.14), 5.1966, J. Lambinon 66/236 (LG); Brandenbourg, rochers schisteux subverticaux ensoleillés, près des ruines du château-fort (K8.35), 9.1966, J. Lambinon 66/1494 (LG); Vianden, rochers schisteux au pied du vieux beffroi (K8.27), 6.1961, J. Lambinon 61/546 (LG); Clervaux, rochers schisteux au pied du château-fort (J8.44), 6.1961, J. Lambinon 61/606 (LG); Esch-sur-Sûre, rochers schisteux (avec flore calcicole) au pied du château-fort (K8.32), 6.1961, J. Lambinon 61/592 & 593 (LG); Esch-sur-Sûre, mur à la berge de la Sûre (K8.32), 6.2002, sur un mur en pierres siliceuses, P. Diederich 15426 (h); ESE of Hosingen, Untereisenbach, centre, on S exp. schist-wall along road near restaurant ‘Holle Bolle Gijs’ (K8.16), 4.1988, P. van den Boom 6705 (h).

32France, Ard.: Ardennes, Fépin, rochers subverticaux éodévoniens au bord de la route de la rive gauche de la Meuse à hauteur du bois de Fépin (J5.54), 4.1968, J. Lambinon 68/176 (LG).

33See comments under Xanthoria.

34Xanthoria ulophyllodes Räsänen

35Belgium, Ard.: Ligneuville, dans le village, près du pont (G8.53), sur Aesculus, 3.1961, J. Lambinon 61/130 (LG); Compogne (comm. de Bertogne) (J7.35), 5.1964, J. Lambinon 64/419 (LG); Gremelange (comm. Martelange), dans le village (K7.56), 5.1964, J. Lambinon 64/598 (LG); Tintange, dans le village (K7.46), sur Fraxinus, 1964, J. Lambinon 64/611 (LG); Radelange (comm. Martelange), près de l’église (K7.56), 5.1964, J. Lambinon 64/578 (LG); Burg-Reuland (H8.55), 8.1964, J. Lambinon 64/1207 (LG); Autelbas, près du château (L8.51), sur Aesculus, 8.1965, J. Lambinon 65/768 (LG); Amberloup, bord de la grand-route entre le village et Sprimont (J7.52), 2.1966, J. Lambinon 66/27 & 37 (LG).

36Luxembourg, Lorr.: Tuntingen (L8.43), sur Pyrus, 5.1891, J. Feltgen 308, 309 (LUX); au NNW de Diekirch, entre Friedhof et Kippenhof, bord de la route de Hoscheid (K8.35), sur Fraxinus, 9.1966, J. Lambinon 66/1489 (LG, LUX); Boevange-sur-Attert (L8.23), sur Tilia, le long d’une route, 1967, J. Lambinon 67/554 (LG); Erpeldange (près d’Ettelbruck), près de la Mairie (K8.45), sur Tilia, 7.1980, P. Diederich 2403 (h); Dippach, verger au N du village (M8.23), sur Malus, dans un verger, 3.1996, P. Diederich 12360 (h); Graulinster, en bord de route dans le village (L8.38), 7.1995, P. Diederich 12289 (h); au S de Gostingen (M9.11), sur Malus, 6.1979, P. Diederich 1299 (h).

37France, Boul.: Pas-de-Calais, between Oye-Plage and Marck (D21.34), on Ulmus along road, 1954, J. Barkman 4544 (L). – Lorr.: Meurthe-et-Moselle, S of Virton, 1 km N of Charency-Vezin, military graveyard with very old Tilia trees (M7.52), on Tilia, 1998, P. van den Boom 20037 (h).

38New for the study area. See under Xanthoria for further comments.

39*Zwackhiomyces immersae (Arnold) Grube & Triebel

40Luxembourg, Lorr.: entre Dudelange et Kayl, Haard (M8.54), sur Bacidia bagliettoana terricole, 7.2002, P. Diederich 15496 (h), J. Miadlikowska & D. Ertz.

41France, Mar.: Somme, au NE de Cayeux-sur-Mer, Brighton, à 500 m à l’W du phare, vis-à-vis du centre de vacances (H22.52), levée de galets, ancienne ballastière, végétation principalement terricole, sur B. bagliettoana, 7.2001, P. Diederich 15332 (h).

42Following GRUBE & HAFELLNER (1990), Z. immersae grows on Clauzadea species, and has additionally been collected before 1914 on Bacidia bagliettoana near Dunkerque in our study area (F Mar.). We report here the discovery of two recent collections on the same host, B. bagliettoana. More detailed studies, together with the examination of representative specimens on Clauzadea, will be necessary to find out if the material from both host genera is homogeneous, or if that on Bacidia belongs to a different, yet undescribed species.


44If expanded to the Boulogne and Picardy districts in northern France (see above), and together with the data presented in this paper and some other recently published papers (see above), the checklist of the lichens and lichenicolous fungi recently published by DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX (2000) must be emended as follows:

45Species to be added to the checklist:

46*Abrothallus caerulescens Kotte

47*Abrothallus cladoniae R. Sant. & D. Hawksw.

48Agonimia gelatinosa (Ach.) Brand & Diederich

49*Arthonia digitatae Hafellner

50Bacidia brandii Coppins & van den Boom

51Bacidia laurocerasi (Duby) Zahlbr.

52Bagliettoa parmigerella (Zahlbr.) Vězda & Poelt

53Bryoria capillaris (Ach.) Brodo & D. Hawksw.

54Caloplaca cerinelloides (Erichsen) Poelt

55Caloplaca marina (Wedd.) Du Rietz-40-

56Caloplaca microthallina (Wedd.) Zahlbr.

57Caloplaca thallincola (Wedd.) Du Rietz

58Celothelium ischnobelum (Nyl.) Aguirre

59Chrysothrix flavovirens Tønsb.

60Cladonia cyathomorpha W. Watson

61Cladonia monomorpha Aptroot, Sipman & van Herk

62*Cladoniicola staurospora Diederich, van den Boom & Aptroot

63Cliostomum flavidulum Hafellner & Kalb

64Collema coccophorum Tuck.

65Cryptolechia carneolutea (Urner) A. Massal.

66*Didymellopsis collematum (J. Steiner) Grube & Hafellner

67*Dinemasporium strigosum (Fr.) Sacc.

68(+)Epigloea renitens (Grummann) Döbbeler

69Gyalidea minuta van den Boom & Vězda

70*Intralichen baccisporus D. Hawksw. & M. S. Cole

71*Kalaallia reactiva Alstrup & D. Hawksw.

72*Lasiosphaeriopsis salisburyi D. Hawksw. & Sivanesan

73Lecanactis dilleniana (Ach.) Körb.

74Lecania atrynoides Knowles

75Lecanora jamesii Laundon

76Lecanora leuckertiana Zedda

77Lecanora zosterae (Ach.) Nyl.

78Lecidea siderolithica Müll. Arg.

79Leiorreuma lyellii (Sm.) Staiger

80Lichina confinis (Müller) Agardh

81Micarea viridileprosa Coppins & van den Boom

82Mycomicrothelia confusa D. Hawksw.

83*Neolamya peltigerae (Mont.) Theiss. & Syd.

84Opegrapha gyrocarpa Flotow

85Opegrapha sorediifera P. James

86Parmelia ernstiae Feuerer & A. Thell

87Peltigera extenuata (Vain.) Lojka

88Peltigera monticola Vitik.

89*Phacopsis fusca (Triebel & Rambold) Diederich

90*Polydesmia lichenis Huhtinen & R. Sant.

91*Pronectria oligospora Lowen & Rogerson var. octospora Etayo

92*Pronectria pertusariicola Lowen

93Protoparmelia oleaginea (Harmand) Coppins

94Ramonia interjecta Coppins

95Rimularia insularis (Nyl.) Rambold & Hertel

96*Roselliniella atlantica Matzer & Hafellner

97*Stigmidium aggregatum (Mudd) D. Hawksw.-41-

98*Stigmidium mycobilimbiae Cl. Roux, Triebel & Etayo

99*Stigmidium peltideae (Vain.) R. Sant.

100*Stromatopogon cladoniae Diederich & Sérus.

101*Trichonectria anisospora (Lowen) van den Boom & Diederich

102*Unguiculariopsis thallophila (P. Karst.) W. Y. Zhuang

103Verrucaria elaeina Borrer

104Verrucaria erichsenii Zschacke

105Verrucaria halizoa Leight.

106Verrucaria hegetschweileri Körb.

107Verrucaria maura Wahlenb.

108Verrucaria papillosa Ach.

109Verrucaria sandstedei B. de Lesd.

110Xanthoria ulophyllodes Räsänen

111Species confirmed:

112Clauzadea chondrodes (A. Massal.) Clauzade & Cl. Roux

113(*)Epilichen scabrosus (Ach.) Hafellner

114Lempholemma chalazanum (Ach.) B. de Lesd.

115Species to be deleted:

116Bryoria implexa (Hoffm.) Brodo & D. Hawksw.

117*Phacopsis oxyspora (Tul.) Triebel & Rambold

118Rhizocarpon plicatile (Leight.) A. L. Sm.

119Verrucaria sp. (see DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000: 174) is V. macrostoma

120*Vouauxiella verrucosa (Vouaux) Petr. & Syd.

121[Cliostomum corrugatum (Ach.) Fr. was not accepted in the Checklist, but reported from a locality in France close to the study area; with the expansion of this area to a larger part of northern France, C. corrugatum should now be added to the checklist; however, SPARRIUS et al. (2002) show that the corresponding specimen belongs to C. griffithii, and C. corrugatum definitely does not exist in the area.]

122Taxonomic and nomenclatural changes:

123Caloplaca maritima (B. de Lesd.) B. de Lesd., instead of C. maritima B. de Lesd.

124Cladina is best included in Cladonia as a subgenus (see DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX, 2000 for nomenclatural changes)

125Cladonia pulvinata (Sandst.) van Herk & Aptroot, instead of C. cervicornis subsp. pulvinata (Sandst.) Ahti

126Cladonia verticillata (Hoffm.) Schaer., instead of C. cervicornis subsp. verticillata (Hoffm.) Ahti

127Diplotomma alboatrum (Hoffm.) Flot., instead of Buellia alboatra (Hoffm.) Th. Fr.

128Diplotomma dispersum (Kremp.) Arnold, instead of Buellia subdispersa Mig.

129Diplotomma hedinii (H. Magn.), comb. ined. (provisionally placed here, ICBN art. 34.1b) (syn.: Buellia hedinii H. Magn., Diplotomma epipolium auct., non (Ach.) Arnold), instead of Buellia venusta (Körb.) Lettau

130Fellhanera gyrophorica Sérus., Coppins, Diederich & Scheidegger, instead of Fellhanera sp.

131Graphis britannica Staiger is a new name for Graphina anguina auct. europ.

132Illosporiopsis christiansenii (B. L. Brady & D. Hawksw.) D. Hawksw., instead of Hobsonia christiansenii B. L. Brady & D. Hawksw.

133Lecanora dispersella auct., non Steiner, instead of L. crenulata auct., non (Mont.) Müll. Arg.

134Lecanora flotoviana Spreng., instead of L. flotowiana (see LAUNDON, 2003)

135Lepraria flavescens Cl. Roux & Tønsberg, instead of L. flavescens Clauzade & Cl. Roux

136Lepraria membranacea (Dicks.) Vain., instead of Leproloma membranaceum (Dicks.) Vain.

137Lepraria vouauxii (Hue) R. C. Harris, instead of Leproloma vouauxii (Hue) J. R. Laundon

138Lichenomphalia hudsoniana (H. S. Jenn.) Redhead et al., instead of Omphalina hudsoniana (H. S. Jenn.) H. E. Bigelow

139Lichenomphalia umbellifera (L.: Fr.) Redhead et al., instead of Omphalina umbellifera (L.: Fr.) Quél.

140Lichenopeltella hydrophila R. Sant., instead of L. hydrophila R. Sant. ined.

141Marchandiobasidium Diederich & Schultheis and M. aurantiacum Diederich & Schultheis are the teleomorphs of Marchandiomyces Diederich & D. Hawksw. and M. aurantiacus (Lasch) Diederich & Etayo

142Merismatium deminutum (Arnold) Cl. Roux & Nav.-Ros, instead of Polyblastia deminuta Arnold

143Mycobilimbia epixanthoides (Nyl.) Vitik., Ahti, Kuusinen, Lommi & T. Ulvinen, instead of Biatora epixanthoides (Nyl.) Diederich

144Mycobilimbia lurida (Ach.) Hafellner & Türk, instead of Psora lurida (Ach.) DC.

145Mycobilimbia pilularis (Körb.) Hafellner & Türk, instead of Biatora sphaeroides (Dicks.) Körb.

146Myxobilimbia accedens (Arnold) Hafellner, instead of Bacidia accedens (Arnold) Lettau, considered as a synonym of M. sabuletorum in DIEDERICH & SÉRUSIAUX (2000: 127)

147Myxobilimbia lobulata (Sommerf.) Hafellner, instead of Mycobilimbia lobulata (Sommerf.) Hafellner

148Myxobilimbia sabuletorum (Schreb.) Hafellner, instead of Mycobilimbia sabuletorum (Schreb.) Hafellner

149Myxophora leptogiophila (G. Winter) Nik. Hoffm. & Hafellner, instead of Cyanomyces leptogiophila (G. Winter) Nik. Hoffm. & Hafellner comb. ined.

150Opegrapha niveoatra (Borrer) J. R. Laundon is best treated as a distinct species, instead of a variety as O. vulgata var. subsiderella Nyl. (B. J. Coppins, pers. comm.)

151Physcia leptalea (Ach.) DC. nom. cons., instead of P. semipinnata (J. F. Gmel.) Moberg

152Protopannaria pezizoides (Weber) P. M. Jørg. & S. Ekman, instead of Pannaria pezizoides (Weber) Trev.

153Psoroglaena abscondita (Coppins & Vězda) Hafellner & Türk, instead of Macentina abscondita Coppins & Vězda

154Tremella caloplacae (Zahlbr.) Diederich, instead of Lindauopsis caloplacae Zahlbr.

155Number of species present in the area of study:

156Number of species accepted by Diederich & Sérusiaux (2000) 1151

157Number of species to be added +68

158Number of species to be deleted -5

159Number of species known in the area of study in 2003 1214


161We wish to thank very warmly our colleagues and friends for the specimens made available to us, or for their help in identifying difficult collections: Prof./Dr A. Aptroot, M. Brand, O. Breuss, J. M. Cepeda, B. J. Coppins, J.-P. Duvivier, H. Hertel, O. Heylen, J. Lambinon, E. López de Silanes, G. Marson, B. Meyer, J. Miadlikowska, A. Orange, G. Samuels, L. Sparrius, A. Thell, R. Türk, D. Van den Broek and V. Wirth. The curators of BR, HBG, LG, LUX, MSC, STU, NY kindly allowed the study of specimens in their care. We also like to acknowledge the most precious help of Prof. J. Lambinon who carefully read the manuscript and made several valuable suggestions.


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To cite this article

Emmanuël SÉRUSIAUX, Paul DIEDERICH, Damien ERTZ & Pieter VAN DEN BOOM, «NEW OR INTERESTING LICHENS AND LICHENICOLOUS FUNGI FROM BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG AND NORTHERN FRANCE. IX (suite 2)», Lejeunia, Revue de Botanique [En ligne], N°173 (août 2003), URL : https://popups.ulg.ac.be/0457-4184/index.php?id=1598.

About: Emmanuël SÉRUSIAUX

Life sciences Dept., University of Liège, Sart Tilman B22, B-4000 Liège, Belgium (E.Serusiaux@ulg.ac.be).


Musée national d’histoire naturelle, 25 rue Munster, L-2160 Luxembourg, Luxembourg (paul.diederich@education.lu).

About: Damien ERTZ

National Botanical Garden, Domaine de Bouchout, B-1860 Meise, Belgium (damien.ertz@br.fgov.be).

About: Pieter VAN DEN BOOM

Arafura 16, NL-5691 Son, the Netherlands (pvdboom@zonnet.nl).