- Accueil
- Volume 14 (1995)
- Number 2 - Quantitative image analysis - Nov. 1995
- Forword from the co-editor
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Téléchargement(s): 40 (1 ULiège)
Karsten Nielsen
Forword from the co-editor
(Volume 14 (1995) — Number 2 - Quantitative image analysis - Nov. 1995)

Pour citer cet article
Karsten Nielsen, «Forword from the co-editor», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 14 (1995), Number 2 - Quantitative image analysis - Nov. 1995, 97 URL : https://popups.ulg.ac.be/0351-580x/index.php?id=4687.
A propos de : Karsten Nielsen
Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee