Golgi secretion and follicular genesis in rat foetal thyroid
Claude Penel,
Lab. Endocrinologie Cellulaire, Médecine-Nord, Marseille, France
Lionel Remy,
Lab. Histologie, Médecine-Nord, Marseille, France
Suzanne Rua,
Lab. Histologie, Médecine-Nord, Marseille, France
Evelyne Mazzella,
Lab. Histologie, Médecine-Nord, Marseille, France
16 day-old Wistar rat foetal thyroid glands were incubated with various thyrotropin concentration and investigated by electron microscopy to study Golgi secretion and follicular lumina genesis. The secretory vesicles size distribution and the evolution with time of the volume- and surface densities of vesicles and follicular lumina were obtained by stereological analysis. In our experimental conditions, it was shown that Golgi secretion was heterogeneous and biphasic and that the follicular lumina genesis mainly originated from the transfer and the coalescence of the biggest vesicles.
To cite this article
Claude Penel, Lionel Remy, Suzanne Rua & Evelyne Mazzella, «Golgi secretion and follicular genesis in rat foetal thyroid», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 1 (1982), Number 2 - Stereology 82 - Sheffield - Dec. 1982, 329-334 URL : https://popups.ulg.ac.be/0351-580x/index.php?id=4480.