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- Volume 13 (1994)
- Number 2 - Proceedings of the sixth European congr...
- Quantitative analysis of leaves of sun and shade ecotypes of Solanum dulcamara L.
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Jana Albrechtová
Quantitative analysis of leaves of sun and shade ecotypes of Solanum dulcamara L.
(Volume 13 (1994) — Number 2 - Proceedings of the sixth European congress for stereology - Part three - June 1994)
Differences in both surface and inner structure were found in leaves of plants of sun and shade ecotypes of Solanum dulcamara L.: stomatal density of the upper leaf surface, mean number of epidermal cells per leaf, trichome density of the upper leaf surface, volume density of leaf tissues. Leaf area and volume were higher for shade variant.
Keywords : leaf anatomy, Solanum dulcamara L., stereology, sun and shade ecotypes
Pour citer cet article
Jana Albrechtová, «Quantitative analysis of leaves of sun and shade ecotypes of Solanum dulcamara L.», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 13 (1994), Number 2 - Proceedings of the sixth European congress for stereology - Part three - June 1994, 467-472 URL : https://popups.ulg.ac.be/0351-580x/index.php?id=4353.
A propos de : Jana Albrechtová
Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Vinièná 5, 128 44 Prague 2, Czech Republic