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- Volume 2 (1983)
- Number 2 - Proceedings of the second symposium on morphometry in morphological diagnoses, september 7-9, 1983, Kuopio, Finland - Dec. 1983
Number 2 - Proceedings of the second symposium on morphometry in morphological diagnoses, september 7-9, 1983, Kuopio, Finland - Dec. 1983

Stereology and morphometry in pathology: proceedings of the second symposium on morphometry in morphological diagnosis [Title]

Yrjö Collan

Special course: introduction to stereology and morphometry
Yrjö Collan
Stereology and morphometry in pathology: an introduction
Yrjö Collan, Erkki Oja & William F. Whimster
Mathematical background to stereology and morphometry for diagnostic pathologists
Kalevi Selkäinaho
Statistics in stereology and morphometry
Erkki Oja & Yrjö Collan
Basic principles of image analysis by a computer
Kari Syrjänen, Veli-Matti Kosma & Yrjö Collan
Item classification and grading: an approach to non-mathematical morphometry
Jan P.A. Baak
Instrumentation in diagnostic morphometry
Timo Romppanen & Yrjö Collan
Practical guidelines for a morphometric study
Yrjö Collan
Reproducibility and sources of variation in diagnostic histopathology and in diagnostic morphometry
Jan P.A. Baak
Diagnostic morphometry: aims, types, conditions and applications
Klaus Voss, Peter Hufnagl, Hubert Martin & Karl Roth
Karyometric data by image analysis and their use in pathology
Frej Stenbäck
Applicability of morphometrical methods in clinical cytology
Jaakko Puittinen
One line (one dimension) image analysis

Invited papers, free papers
Marcelino G. Reyes, Thomas Tosch, Valerie Childrey, Clodualdo Penaranda & Collette K. Noland
Reproducibility of stereologic analysis of histologic sections
Veli-Matti Kosma, Yrjö Collan, Kari Syrjänen, Marja-Leena Aalto, Anders Seppä & Kalevi Selkäinaho
Observer variation and reproducibility of grading: analysis of the postcapillary venules in human axillary lymph nodes using subjective and morphometric methods
Santosh Mehta, Marcelino G. Reyes, Thomas Tosch, William Thomas, Jr. & Albert I. Rubenstone
Cardiac amyloidosis in the elderly: a quantitative stereologic study
Esa Jantunen, Timo Romppanen & Yrjö Collan
Diffuse myocardial fibrosis in ischaemic heart disease
G. Wassilew, Peter Hufnagl & K. Frölich
Some aspects of the application of quantitative methods in cardiology
Marcelino G. Reyes, Steven M. Malkin & Moris J. Danon
Stereologic analysis of muscle capillaries in Inclusion Body Myositis
Vittorio Cavallari, Giacomo Basile & A. Maiorana
Semiautomatic procedures in peripheral nerve morphometry: basic programs for a personal computer
Yrjö Collan, Esa Jantunen, Jouko Karhunen & Timo Romppanen
Morphometry of kidney biopsy: number of glomeruli and accuracy of morphometric measurements
Yrjö Collan, Jouko Karhunen, Esa Jantunen & Timo Romppanen
Morphometry of kidney biopsy: influence of section thickness variation
Ernst Joachim Noack, Wolfgang Wiest & Roland Wurst
Morphometry of normal placental tissue at term
Marja-Leena Aalto & Yrjö Collan
Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain in serous tumours and clear cell carcinomas of the ovary. A morphometric study
S. Syrjänen & H. Markkanen
Morphometric analysis of mandibular bone structure in orthopantomograms of patients with periodontal diseases
Heinz David
Quantitative characterisation of ageing hepatocytes
Manfred Geeren & Klaus-U. Benner
Morphometric and stereologic studies on blood platelets from five different mammalian species
Klaus-U. Benner, Manfred Geeren & Volker Burstedde
Comparative cytochemical and stereological studies on blood platelets from five mammalian species
Pirkko Hirsimäki, Markku T. Marttinen & Yrjö Hirsimäki
Vinblastine-induced autophagocytosis in Ehrlich ascites cells
Anita H.M. Naukkarinen & Kari J. Syrjänen
Effects of local and systemic administration of anti macrophage serum on post capillary venules in the bursal T cell area of SRBC-immunized chickens
Anita H.M. Naukkarinen & Kari J. Syrjänen
Post capillary venules in the bursal T cell area of SRBC-immunized chickens following local and systemic treatment with anti T lymphocyte serum
Kari Paukkonen, Kalevi Selkäinaho, Jukka Jurvelin & Heikki J. Helminen
Stereological sampling principles and methods for the morphometry of articular cartilage
Rosalia Ricco, Pantaleo Bufo & Vittorio Pesce Delfino
Analytic morphometry in diagnostic pathology: upper degree polynomials and Fourier harmonic analysis in infertility
Vittorio Pesce Delfino & Rosalia Ricco
Remarks on analytic morphometry in biology: procedure and software illustration

Author index

Subject index