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- Volume 3 (1984)
- Number 2 - Dec. 1984
- A comparison of quantitative methods of shape characterization
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Alan G. Flook
A comparison of quantitative methods of shape characterization
(Volume 3 (1984) — Number 2 - Dec. 1984)

The three quantitative methods of shape description investigated in this work are: Form Factors, Fourier Analysis and Fractal Dimensions. It is concluded that it is unrealistic to expect that any one type of shape coefficient will adequately quantify all the aspects of particle morphology that contribute to the physical properties of powders in bulk. Useful information may be obtained if care is taken in choosing the method of analysis to match the purpose of the investigation or by combining data from each of the methods.
To cite this article
Alan G. Flook, «A comparison of quantitative methods of shape characterization», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 3 (1984), Number 2 - Dec. 1984, 159-164 URL : https://popups.ulg.ac.be/0351-580x/index.php?id=3997.
About: Alan G. Flook
Unilever Research Colworth Laboratory, Colworth House, Sharnbrook, Bedford, Gt. Britain