Software solutions to problems in stereology
Vyvyan Howard,
Department of Anatomy, University of Liverpool, PO Box 147, L69 3BX, UK
Siegfried Eins,
Department of Anatomy, University of Goettingen, Kreuzbergring 36, FRG
A compilation of essential details about computer programs developed by stereologists is presented. They are classified under the headings: classical point counting methods, size distributions, serial sections and 3-D reconstruction, statistics, educational aids, image analysis and special applications. It is intended to provide information adequate for the establishment of contact between stereologists with computing problems in common and to promote the free exchange of software. A classification of the programs by language and by machine is also given.
To cite this article
Vyvyan Howard & Siegfried Eins, «Software solutions to problems in stereology», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 3 (1984), Number 2 - Dec. 1984, 139-158 URL :