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- Volume 3 (1984)
- Number 1 - May 1984
Number 1 - May 1984


Pamela J. Davy & Anthony J. Jakeman
The relative efficiency of point count estimators of areal cover
Konrad Sandau
A relationship between the parameter κ of a von mises distribution and intersection densities measured on two perpendicular test lines
Zdenka Pajer & Miroslav Kališnik
The particle number estimation and the depth of focus
Robert T. DeHoff
Signed line intercept count
Mohsen Shahinpoor
Error estimation in stereological determination of particle size distribution
Kalevi Selkäinaho & Yrjö Collan
Stereologic and morphometric measurements in diagnostic histopathology: statistical considerations
Veli-Matti Kosma, Kalevi Selkäinaho, Yrjö Collan, Kari Syrjänen, Marja-Leena Aalto & Anders Seppä
Grading of postcapillary venules in lymph nodes: observer variation and reproducibility in subjective estimation and morphometric measurements
Jeanette J. Norden & John A. Freeman
Stereological methods for quantitating synapses
Arun S. Watwe & Robert T. DeHoff
Quantitative serial sectioning analysis of the evolution of pore structure in the late stages of sintering of nickel powder
Tien-Hui Lin, Yi-Xing Chen & Xin-Xing Cai
Identification and volume percentage determination of mixed minerals by using digital image processing of microanalysis pictures
Kensuke Baba, Kiyoshi Miyamoto, Kazumonto Kimura, Hidetaka Matsukuma & Osamu Koide
Automatic detection of sphere distribution in thick section
Francisco Abadía-Fenoll, Ruth Calvente, Ramón Carmona & Francisco Abadía-Molina
A reconstruction of chick embryos' optic cup and a study on the distribution of mitotic figures at 13th and 17th stages
Vagn Bonnevie-Nielsen & Lene Theil Skovgaard
Morphological quantitation by perfusion staining of the endocrine mouse pancreas
Veli-Matti Kosma, Yrjö Collan, Marja-Leena Aalto, Anders Seppä, Markus Rautiainen & Kalevi Selkäinaho
Reproducibility in morphometric assessment of positive staining for CEA in ovarian tumours
Robert Clark Lantz, Robert Burrell, Karen Birch & David E. Hinton
Quantitative morphological studies of the lung following inhalation of bacterial endotoxin
James G. Walmsley & Richard A. Murphy
Organization of contractile units in smooth muscle based on stereological analysis of dense body distribution
Nigel Wreford, Kim Malafant, Charles Hunter & Graeme Nelson
An analysis of the medial thickness of small pulmonary arteries in victims of the sudden infant death syndrome
Yrjö Collan, Marja-Leena Aalto, Veli-Matti Kosma & Tauno Kulju
Stereology and morphometry as parts of education in histopathology
C. M. Wischik & A. W. Rogers
Array geometry of stromal progesterone response
Vesna Koko, Ana Laban, Jelena Radovanović & Milosav Ristić
A stereological investigation of the rat exocrine pancreas after long-term alcohol consumption

Errata Corrige