- Accueil
- Volume 4 (1985)
- Number 1 - Nov. 1985
- Stereological determination op the pair correlation function of the centres of the nuclei in a rat liver using a thin section technique
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Karl-Heinz Hanisch & Dieter König
Stereological determination op the pair correlation function of the centres of the nuclei in a rat liver using a thin section technique
(Volume 4 (1985) — Number 1 - Nov. 1985)

The use of the pair correlation function for the analysis of a configuration of cell nuclei in a rat liver is demonstrated. A procedure is suggested which enables the stereological determination of the pair correlation function of the nuclei centres using related quantities of a thin section of the rat liver.
Pour citer cet article
Karl-Heinz Hanisch & Dieter König, «Stereological determination op the pair correlation function of the centres of the nuclei in a rat liver using a thin section technique», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 4 (1985), Number 1 - Nov. 1985, 55-66 URL : https://popups.ulg.ac.be/0351-580x/index.php?id=2947.
A propos de : Karl-Heinz Hanisch
Department of Mathematics, Mining Academy Freiberg, DDR-9200 Freiberg, P.0. Box 47, German Democratic Republic
A propos de : Dieter König
Department of Mathematics, Mining Academy Freiberg, DDR-9200 Freiberg, P.0. Box 47, German Democratic Republic