Acta Stereologica



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Marian Maliński, Jan Cwajna & Jacek Chrapoński

Grain Size Distribution

(Volume 10 (1991) — Number 1 - Stermat '90 (part I) - June 1991)
Open Access

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Statistical and geometrical distributions of the normalized area of plane grain cross-section for model microstructures with homogeneous grain size, built of truncated octahedra, Williams β-tetrakaidecahedra and rhombic dodecahedra have been presented in this work. These distributions can be taken as a basis to some new grain size homogeneity criteria and inhomogeneity measures. Accuracy of the mentioned measures was verified by the analysis of the stereological parameters of 2-D and 3-D computer-simulated microstructures with various inhomogeneity. It was stated-out in experimental studies on the 0H16 steel grade normal grain growth that the geometrical measure of the mean grain size is more sensitive to the heat treatment parameters than the statistical one. These studies and the model analysis indicate that the characteristic features of the polycrystalline microstructure can be described more accurately by geometrical distributions than by the statistical ones.

Keywords : computer simulation and modelling, grain size, quantitative metallography

Pour citer cet article

Marian Maliński, Jan Cwajna & Jacek Chrapoński, «Grain Size Distribution», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 10 (1991), Number 1 - Stermat '90 (part I) - June 1991, 73-82 URL :

A propos de : Marian Maliński

Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Graniczna 16, PL-40-018 Katowice, Poland

A propos de : Jan Cwajna

Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Graniczna 16, PL-40-018 Katowice, Poland

A propos de : Jacek Chrapoński

Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Graniczna 16, PL-40-018 Katowice, Poland