Acta Stereologica Acta Stereologica -  Volume 10 (1991)  Number 2 - Stermat '90 (part II) - Dec. 1991 

Ultrastructural markers of tubular transport in acute experimental renal ischemia, evaluation of the proximal and distal tubules

Leszek Cieciura
Department of Histology and Embryology MMA, Plac Hallera 1, 90-647 Łódź, Poland
Zdzisław Kidawa
2nd Clinic of Internal Diseases MMA, Plac Hallera 1, 90-647 Łódź, Poland
Władysław Godlewski
Department of Histology and Embryology MMA, Plac Hallera 1, 90-647 Łódź, Poland


The study was carried out on rats. Electron micrographs of the kidney obtained from the proximal and distal tubules in acute experimental renal ischemia were analysed. Using stereological methods to estimate of ultrastructural markers of active transport (mitochondrial energy states), and passive transport (intercellular spaces and basal infolded channels) were evaluated. The results obtained indicated that in the proximal and distal tubules following acute renal ischemia, active transport was impaired as reflected by a lowering of mitochondrial energy states (similar to condensed). Widening of intercellular spaces and basal infolded channels was also observed, which suggests fluid stasis and, thus, impairment of passive transport.

Keywords : acute experimental renal ischemia, proximal and distal tubular transport, ultrastructural markers

To cite this article

Leszek Cieciura, Zdzisław Kidawa & Władysław Godlewski, «Ultrastructural markers of tubular transport in acute experimental renal ischemia, evaluation of the proximal and distal tubules», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 10 (1991), Number 2 - Stermat '90 (part II) - Dec. 1991, 233-243 URL :