Acta Stereologica Acta Stereologica -  Volume 10 (1991)  Number 2 - Stermat '90 (part II) - Dec. 1991 

Mice parafollicular and intrathyroid mast cells under thyrotropin influence

Metka Logonder-Mlinšek
Institute of Histology and Embryology, Medical Faculty, University at Ljubljana, Korytkova 2, 61105 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Yugoslavia
Miroslav Kališnik
Institute of Histology and Embryology, Medical Faculty, University at Ljubljana, Korytkova 2, 61105 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Yugoslavia


The influence of sodium perchlorate and thyroxine on the parafollicular cells and mast cells of the mice thyroid gland was studied.

It was found out that perchlorate caused a significant hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the parafollicular cells as well as intrathyroid mast cells. The concentration of calcitonin in the serum of the perchlorate group from the 8th day onward was higher than in the control group.

The application of thyroxine caused a significantly increased number of the parafollicular cells during the first 32 days and a significantly decreased number of these cells after 64 days. The number of mast cells significantly decreased after 2 days. The number of mast cells significantly decreased after 2 days, but they disappeared totally from the gland from the 8th day on.

The concentration of calcitonin was lower in the thyroxine group than in the control group during the first 16 days, but it increased abruptly after 32 days and after 64 days was five times higher than in the control group.

Keywords : calcitonin, mast cells, mice, parafollicular cells, perchlorate, thyrotropin, thyroxine

To cite this article

Metka Logonder-Mlinšek & Miroslav Kališnik, «Mice parafollicular and intrathyroid mast cells under thyrotropin influence», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 10 (1991), Number 2 - Stermat '90 (part II) - Dec. 1991, 223-232 URL :