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- Volume 13 (1994)
- Number 2 - Proceedings of the sixth European congr...
- Effect of modification with alkaline earth metals upon the morphological parameters of non-metallic inclusions
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Effect of modification with alkaline earth metals upon the morphological parameters of non-metallic inclusions

The non-metallic inclusions are the natural components of the microstructure of steel and alloys, and usually exhibit some directional arrangement of individual, flake-like or lamellar particles. In the eighties some attempts was made to develop methods for description of the lamellar microstmcture with individual stereological parameters or some sets of them. These non-metallic inclusions were studied in this research-work. The main purpose of the studies was to find out what was the effect of treatment of steel with calcium and magnesium alloys upon the morphology of non-metallic inclusions in the steel.
Application of methods of quantitative metallography to evaluation of non-metallic inclusions content in steel makes it possible to do it more correctly and objectively. The carried out quantitative analysis of non-metallic inclusions leads to a conclusion that the treatment of 45 steel grade with calcium and magnesium alloys reduces area fraction of inclusions, especially as far as the plastic inclusions are concerned, and reduces also the number of inclusions particles.