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- Volume 18 (1999)
- Number 1 - May 1999
- Grain size description – relationships between 2D and 3D parameters
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Grain size description – relationships between 2D and 3D parameters

2D and 3D morphological and stereological parameters of computer simulated models of microstructure of one phase polycrystalline materials are presented. The study of the models of homogenous microstructures built from polyhedra of the same size and shape (sets of truncated octahedra, Williams’β—tetrakaidecahedra and rhombic dodecahedra) has shown that the model of plane section of equilibrium materials in the form of set of regular hexagons, presented in basic literature on physical metallurgy and materials science is irrelevant. 2D parameters and representative plane sections of models of homogenous microstructure were shown. The models of inhomogenous polycrystalline microstructures built from polyhedra of various size and shape — Williams’ models, cell models and Johnson—Mehl models, were used for determination of empirical equation between mean plane section area of grains EN(A) and mean grain volume EN(V) as well as between coefficient of variation of grains plane section area CVN(A) and coefficient of variation of grain volume CVN(V). These equations may be the basis of the simple method for the determination of parameters of grain volume distribution.