Gregor Rauw

Gregor Rauw
Studying bright, massive stars in the era of large telescopes.
I. General context
Volume 79 - Année 2010
Gregor Rauw, Michaël De Becker, Yaël Nazé, Jean-Marie Vreux & Peredur Williams
The multi-wavelength view of Hot, Massive Stars - Foreword
Liège, 12 – 16 July 2010
Volume 80 - Année 2011
Gregor Rauw, Michaël De Becker, Yaël Nazé, Jean-Marie Vreux & Peredur Williams
The multi-wavelength view of Hot, Massive Stars
Liège, 12 – 16 July 2010
Volume 80 - Année 2011
Anthony Hervé & Gregor Rauw
Effects of porosity on emergent synthetic spectra of massive stars in the X-ray domain
Volume 80 - Année 2011
Chloi Vamvatira-Nakou, Pierre Royer, Damien Hutsemékers, Gregor Rauw, Yaël Nazé, Katrina Exter, Christoffel Waelkens & Martin Groenewegen
Herschel-PACS observations of Nebulae Ejected by Massive Stars
Volume 80 - Année 2011
Gregor Rauw & Lida Oskinova
Studying massive stars with the International X-ray Observatory
Volume 80 - Année 2011
Yassine Damerdji, Ludovic Delchambre, Thierry Morel, Eric Gosset & Gregor Rauw
Spectroscopic binaries as observed by the future Gaia space mission
Volume 80 - Année 2011
Brajesh Kumar, Jean Manfroid, Éric Gosset, Gregor Rauw & Manash R. Samal
A photometric study of the Carina nebula region around WR 22
Volume 80 - Année 2011
Anthony Hervé, Juriy Hastanin, Serge Habraken & Gregor Rauw
Study of a possible X-ray sensor based on the Plasmon Surface Resonance for the next generation of instruments
Volume 80 - Année 2011
Matthieu Palate, Gregor Rauw, Eric Gosset & Yaël Nazé
Massive binaries as seen with Gaia
Volume 80 - Année 2011
Eric Gosset, Hugues Sana, Gregor Rauw & Yaël Nazé
The X-ray emission of the WR+O binary WR79
Volume 80 - Année 2011
Yaël Nazé, Gregor Rauw, Myron A. Smith & Christian Motch
sdO and peculiar X-ray emissions
Volume 92 - Année 2023Numéro 2 - Proceedings of the 10th Meeting on Hot Subdwarfs and Related Objects
Gregor Rauw
Caught in flagrante delicto: Evidence for Past Mass Transfer in Massive Binaries?
Volume 93 - Année 2024No 3 - 41st Liège International Astrophysical Colloquium
Yaël Nazé, Christian Motch, Gregor Rauw, Myron A. Smith & Jan Robrade
ζ Tau, a Post-interaction Binary
Volume 93 - Année 2024No 3 - 41st Liège International Astrophysical Colloquium
Gregor Rauw, Ronny Blomme, Yaël Nazé & Delia Volpi
X-raying the Wind–Wind Collisions in HD 168112 and HD 167971
Volume 93 - Année 2024No 3 - 41st Liège International Astrophysical Colloquium
Ronny Blomme, Gregor Rauw, Delia Volpi, Yaël Nazé & Michael Abdul-Masih
The Colliding-wind Binary HD 168112
Volume 93 - Année 2024No 3 - 41st Liège International Astrophysical Colloquium

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