sinds 05 februari 2011 :
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Ali Reza Shir Mohammad Karimi, Mohammad Javad Khosravi & Sahba Golchinfar

Examines the role of human factors in the severity of traffic accidents in urban areas, with an emphasis on motorcyclists
Case Study: Eslamshahr - Saveh Road

(Volume 85 - Année 2016 — Actes de colloques — Special edition)
Open Access

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Every year 1.2 million people worldwide lose their lives due to traffic accidents and more than 50 million others are injured. Ninety percent of deaths caused by traffic accidents involving low or middle income countries. Statistics show that in Iran. After cardiovascular diseases, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death in all age groups and is the first cause of death in those under forty years. Pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, drivers and passengers in cars and other vehicles, are at greater risk of high-risk road user as they remembered. Among the most important role in preventing accidents drivers in this traffic, so that a driver unsafe driving not only their lives, but the lives of others in danger. Amending and enforcing laws and traffic regulations, creating safe way and promote a safety culture among the factors reducing traffic accidents are statistics. Given the importance of this paper is descriptive - analytic method has been tried, the role of human factors in the severity of traffic accidents in cities, with an emphasis on motorcyclists in the city of Eslamshahr - Saveh Road to be addressed. Research findings show an increase in the number of vehicles, facilitating increased sales of motorcycles, young population and special charm motorcycles over the past decade, production, sale and use of motorcycles in the country has an increasing trend. And consequently the number of fatal crashes, injury and damage to the motorcycle riders were guilty, relative to the total vehicle accidents, rising substantially shows.

Keywords : accidents, Eslamshahr - Saveh Road, laws, motorcycle, violations

Om dit artikel te citeren:

Ali Reza Shir Mohammad Karimi, Mohammad Javad Khosravi & Sahba Golchinfar, «Examines the role of human factors in the severity of traffic accidents in urban areas, with an emphasis on motorcyclists», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 85 - Année 2016, Actes de colloques, Special edition, 1665 - 1673 URL :

Over : Ali Reza Shir Mohammad Karimi

Master planning of transport and traffic, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Over : Mohammad Javad Khosravi

Master of Urban Planning, Urban Planning, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

Over : Sahba Golchinfar

Master of Urban Planning, Urban Planning, University of Science and Technology, Iran