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Ehsan Zamani & Mohammad Jafar Tarokh

Analysis of customer relationship management in hospitals and present an efficient model for CRM implementation in hospitals

(Volume 85 - Année 2016 — Actes de colloques — Special edition)
Open Access

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Today, as a business unit, health care organizations are more requiring high standards of customer relationship management from other industries. This study formed by organizational perspective to identify factors affecting customer satisfaction in medical centers .The study sample in this research is all the people who are somehow connected with hospitals for treatment and the sample size is 303 patients. In this study our aim is to introduce a model of customer relationship management which consists of seven components and the relationship between them. The model is the result of more than 40 models introduced and validated in the field of customer relationship management that presented since 1996 to the present. In the analysis done on data, we proved the new introduced model.

Keywords : customer relationship component, customer relationship management, customer relationship model, hospitals

Pour citer cet article

Ehsan Zamani & Mohammad Jafar Tarokh, «Analysis of customer relationship management in hospitals and present an efficient model for CRM implementation in hospitals», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 85 - Année 2016, Actes de colloques, Special edition, 1448 - 1456 URL :

A propos de : Ehsan Zamani

Faculty of Computer and Information Technology Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.

A propos de : Mohammad Jafar Tarokh

Faculty member of Department of Industrial Engineering , Khajeh Nasiroddin Toosi University, Tehran , Iran.