- Startpagina tijdschrift
- Volume 85 - Année 2016
- Actes de colloques
- Special edition
- System of Energy Consumption Information Management of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences
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System of Energy Consumption Information Management of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences
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Version PDF originaleAbstract
The development of management and professional knowledge related to energy consumption efficiency as well as standardization of its consumption in different part of consumer are the most important methods of controlling the energy carriers’ consumption methods and protecting the national capitals. Energy management project at the University of Hamadan Medical Sciences with regard to the notable development and expansion of subsidiary departments at the provincial level and a significant consumption of energy and materials in these departments was defined 2011 and it was announced for implementation on behalf of the Energy Efficiency and Consumption Committee of the University for Departments. To stabilize the flow of information and to record them easily, accurately, and reliably, and easily and quickly monitoring the use of peripheral departments, the feasibility of reporting in a variety of formats, exchanging information regardless of geographic location, a reliable safety level in database and protected data, move in line with e-government and the use of computer equipment available at the university level, the system of energy consumption information management was designed and constructed. The useful findings of this study included increased information of managers of the departments related to energy consumption in departments under their management and help to more precise planning in future. The invention of the method will help to greater efficiency of funds in future years.