A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Critical Buckling Force of Short and Long Cylindrical Shells with a Welded Seam Using Argon
Method and their Comparison with a Seamless Cylindrical Shell
Ali Ghorbani,
Mechanical Engineering, Azad University of Arak, Alighorbani994@gmail.com
Niloofar Bayat,
Mechanical Engineering, Azad University of Arak, N.bayat7000@gmail.com
Mohammad Mehdi Najafizadeh,
Mechanical Engineering, Azad University of Arak, M-najafizadeh@iau-arak.ac.ir
In this paper, seaming and seamless as well as short and long cylindrical shell buckling of aluminum 6063 which is under axial loading is taken into account. The used parts have equal mass and thickness and the seam is filled with argon method. An experimental test has been done bySANTAM-STM-250 device. Numerical analysis has been conducted by Abaqus Software, and precision of these models is measured by experimental results.
Keywords : axial loading., buckling behavior, seaming cylindrical shells, seamless cylindrical shells
To cite this article
Ali Ghorbani, Niloofar Bayat & Mohammad Mehdi Najafizadeh, «A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Critical Buckling Force of Short and Long Cylindrical Shells with a Welded Seam Using Argon», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 85 - Année 2016, Actes de colloques, Special edition, 721 - 728 URL : https://popups.ulg.ac.be/0037-9565/index.php?id=5607.