- Startpagina tijdschrift
- Volume 85 - Année 2016
- Actes de colloques
- Special edition
- Using positioning city hospitals, multi-criteria analysis method
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Using positioning city hospitals, multi-criteria analysis method
(Case study: Range, South of Tehran)
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The growth of cities is one of the most important global phenomena, which is occurring under the influence of environmental factors on the human, economic and political, and giving services to citizens and the city are of the priorities of the urban planners and managers. To accomplish this, a variety of techniques have been used both classical and modern. Since the 1970s, the use of quantitative methods in problems locating utilities increased and each of these methods in addition to the advantages and disadvantages in this field is used to study how the spatial distribution centers in Range, South of Tehran has been studied as the case the system uses a multi -criteria analysis. The issue of site selection, service, and service centers in the city is better. The purpose of this study is locating the appropriate municipal hospital in south of Tehran, is analytical and descriptive methods and the type of application. To achieve this objective the integration of GIS and hierarchical method (AHP) and GIS was used, the required layers, including the proximity to compatible land uses, access to the communication network, proximity to fire stations, population density, distance from the existing medical centers, away from the path, away from fuel stations, distance learning centers, land slope, proximity to the city center and close to green areas in GIS environment and then paired comparisons were performed by Expert choice software finally, by weighting the criteria and by combining layers of information, the most suitable place to build a city hospital was located in this area.