- Startpagina tijdschrift
- Volume 85 - Année 2016
- Actes de colloques
- Special edition
- Using a virtual power plant to optimize the functionality of the resources distribution in the power system
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Using a virtual power plant to optimize the functionality of the resources distribution in the power system
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Version PDF originale1Wind and solar power plants, are incurred almost zero marginal cost during the operation. However, the variable nature of these resources creates problems while requiring the power supply. Thus, non-distributable load power sources combine with productive resources that can distribute load, in the form of a virtual power plant. This study examines a self-organized virtual power plant using renewable energy resources, storage system and a traditional power plant. The problem of optimal power flow with linear programming model will be carried out in a week to maximize virtual power plant profits. Uncertainty due to the nature of solar and wind power with pumped storage power plant to take advantage of a more flexible generation process as well as a traditional power plant as a backup, will be eliminated. Efficiency of model is analyzed and presented, using a real sample. In addition, the effect of applying different capacity turbine pump and pumped storage power plant is analyzed. In order to optimize and maximize profits, genetic algorithm is employed.