- Startpagina tijdschrift
- Volume 85 - Année 2016
- Actes de colloques
- Special edition
- Stability Analysis for Continuous T-S Fuzzy Models Having Uncertainties: A Systematic Approach
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Stability Analysis for Continuous T-S Fuzzy Models Having Uncertainties: A Systematic Approach
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Version PDF originale1Stability analysis of continuous-time unforced T-S fuzzy systems is considered. Based on the pairwise commutative feature that usually occurs among the state matrices in switching systems, here we reformularize an existing discrete-time stability analysis approach to its continuous-time domain version. Using a common quadratic Lyapunov function, we first present a systematic approach for the asymptotic stability of such systems in case where the state matrices of sub-systems follow pairwise commutative feature. We then show that the method is not only limited to systems following such feature but rather can be applied to wider category. Finally, we investigate the maximum permissible uncertainty bound for holding the stability when the uncertainties in the system belong to convex sets.