Index by keyword
- (CD Ind)
- (G12.42+0.50)
- 1
- 17-20 girl and boy players.
- 19th century.
- 1A 0535+262
- 21st Century
- 303 mg EAG / g ES
- 31P NMR
- 4U1700–37
- 4U1822–371
- 4U1908+075
- 613 mg EQ / g ES. We also performed the assays of tannins and anthocyanins.
- 8
- 8-cineol
- 9
- a sense of trust
- a theory initiated by Bill Hillier and other researchers at the Bartlett
- Abraham
- absorption
- absorption cross section
- absorption spectrum
- abundance
- Abundance
- abundances
- Abundances
- AC Her
- Acacia tortilis
- acaricide activity
- acceleration of particles
- accelerogram
- accident
- accidents
- accompanying minerals
- accretion
- accretion discs
- accretion disks
- Accretion flow
- Accretion Geometry
- accruals
- acoustic communication
- acoustic event
- activation
- active
- active components
- active galactic nuclei
- active galaxies
- active optics
- activity
- adaptability
- adaptive interface
- adaptive neural fuzzy inference system
- adaptive optics
- adaptive weighted morphological functors
- addiction
- administrative points
- adsorption
- adventitious flora
- aerial images
- aesthetics
- aflatoxin
- african brush-tailed porcupine
- age of the Earth
- Aghzamin locality
- agroecosystem
- Agrostis stolonifera
- AHP method
- Ahvaz
- air
- air quality
- air transport
- Al-5052
- Al-707
- Alessi 1
- Alexa rank
- Algeria
- algorithm
- Allolobophora caliginosa
- allowing in particular a more detailed analysis
- alluvia
- altitudinal gradient
- Am
- Ambleve
- Amblève
- Ammoides verticillata
- amplitude modulation
- an area radio wave radiation
- analysis
- analytical performance
- ancillary services
- and abortion risk.
- Andimeshk
- angle of incidence
- angle of internal friction of the soil
- Annaba
- annual return of stock
- ANSYS AQWA software
- anthropometric
- anthropometric parameters
- anti-Candida
- anti-inflammatory activity
- antibacterial activity
- antifungal potency
- antimicrobial activity
- antimicrobial power
- antioxidant activities
- antioxidant activity
- Ap
- aperture photometry
- Apollinaire
- apparition of life
- apple
- apples
- Arabian Sea
- Arabic gum
- Arbutus unedo L.
- architectural decoration Babolsar
- architectural forms
- Ardenne
- aromatogramme
- art image
- artificial diet
- artificial neural network
- arylaldehyde
- as-constructed visual status
- ascension event (mi’raj)
- assessment
- assistive robots
- associated variables
- association rules
- Asteraceae
- asteroseismology
- astrochemistry
- astrometric binaries
- Astrometry
- astrometry
- astronomical databases
- astronomical instrumentation
- astronomy
- astronomy: Galactic and Extra-galactic
- astrophysics
- AstroSat
- asymmetry
- at the local level as well as at the global level [1].
- atmospheric effects
- atmospheric pollution
- atomic diffusion
- Atterberg limits
- aurora
- authentication
- autobiography
- autoencoder
- axial loading.
- axis change
- B-emission stars
- B-type stars
- B2C E-Commerce
- Babor
- bait
- Balmer decrement
- band gap
- bang-bang
- bank
- bank Hekmat Iranian
- Bantankiline
- barite
- Barium stars
- barley.
- Bassenge
- Bat algorithm
- Be
- Be star
- Beach monitoring
- Beach survey
- beaverite-(Cu)
- behaviour
- Bejaia
- Belgium
- Belgium.
- benefits
- benzylpyridinium ions
- Berkeley 39
- Bertrix
- between building materials warehouses
- Be–stars
- bidding strategy
- BINA workshop
- binaries
- binaries: close
- Binaries: eclipsing
- binaries: eclipsing
- binaries: general
- binaries: spectroscopic
- binary
- binary approach
- binary blends
- binary evolution
- binary star
- binary stars
- binary systems
- bioacoustics
- bioavailability
- biodiversity
- biogeography
- biography
- biological cycle
- biological molecules
- biomarkers.
- biophony
- biophysical indices
- biotechnological methods
- biotites
- BL Lacertae objects
- black hole
- black holes
- black spot
- block cipher
- blood vessels
- blue duiker
- Blue metal-poor stars
- Blue straggler stars
- Blue Straggler Stars
- Boehmite nanoparticles
- bone palaeohistology
- Bordj Bou Arreridj
- Bou-Saâda
- Bou-Saâda has experienced significant population growth and rural exodus
- Brachycome iberidifolia
- BRAIN project
- brown dwarfs
- brownfields
- buckling behavior
- built-up areas
- bulge – galaxies
- Burj Khalifa
- business
- cadmium
- caffeine
- calcium salts.
- callus
- calm
- cancerous cells
- canonical discriminant analysis
- capacitor bank
- capital structure
- capture
- captures
- carbon
- carbon capture
- Carbon stars
- cascaded H-bridge
- cash flows
- castles
- casual loop analyze
- cataclysmic
- Cataclysmic Variable
- cataclysmic variables
- Catalan
- catalasic
- catalysis
- categorizing framework
- cellular automata-Markov chain model
- Cen X-3)
- Cen X–3
- Cephalophus monticola
- Cepheids
- CFRP fibers
- CH4
- challenges cloud
- Chanly
- Chebyshev
- Chemical abundance
- chemical composition
- chemical facies
- chemical nature
- chemical stimulation
- chemically peculiar
- Chemically peculiar
- chemistry
- Chenopodium quinoa Wild
- chimpanzee
- chloritoid
- cholesterol
- chorology
- Cir X–1
- Circular Economy
- circumstellar disks
- Circumstellar disks
- circumstellar material
- circumstellar matter
- citizens
- citrus fruit
- city
- civil administration
- civil rights
- Classical Be stars
- Classification
- classification
- climate
- close
- close binary stars
- close binary systems
- cloud computing
- cloud models
- cloud security
- cluster
- clustering
- clustering and sequential pattern
- clusters
- CO
- CO2
- coaching
- cobalt nanoparticles
- Cobalt nanoparticles
- Collapsars
- Colliding-winds
- colloids
- collusive scarcity
- color
- colorimetry
- colour
- combined neural network
- comet
- Comet
- cometary
- commercial building
- common scrambling algorithm (CSA)
- common-mode feedback
- communication and technology tools
- communicative competence
- company size
- comparative advantage
- competence
- complex demolition method
- compression rate
- Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
- Computer Assisted Vocabulary Learning (CAVL)
- conceptual ambiguity
- conceptual model
- concrete compressive strength
- concrete containing rubber
- concrete poetry
- concrete structures and reservoirs
- confessional mode
- conflict
- Congo–Brazzaville
- Conkouati-Douli
- conservation
- conservation issues
- conservation status
- conservatism
- consistency
- constitution
- constraint satisfaction problem
- constructionist theory
- contact
- content distribution network
- control and monitoring
- controller-phase
- convection
- convergence
- Convolutional Neural network (CNN)
- cool stars
- coordinate systems: ecliptic
- coordinate systems: equatorial
- coordinate systems: galactic
- copper
- copper deposit
- core stabilization
- coronadite
- coronal mass ejections
- coronal oscillations
- corporate ethics
- correction in switching table of symmetrical CHB
- correianevesite
- correlation
- correlation coefficient
- correlation factor
- cosmic string
- cosmic-ray
- cosmology
- cosmology: observations
- cost
- Côte d’Ivoire
- coticule
- Courtier textiles
- COVID-19
- CPU conception
- crater diameter
- crisis management
- criteria
- cross couple
- Crossmatching
- crystal structure
- crystallography
- Culicidae
- curriculum designers
- curve of growth
- curve-fitting
- customer
- customer company identification
- customer experience management
- customer loyalty
- customer relationship component
- customer relationship management
- customer relationship model
- customer satisfaction
- Customer-Brand Relationship Dimensions
- cutaneous excreta
- cyber battlefield
- cyber maneuver
- cyber situation awareness
- cyber space simulator
- cyclotomic fields
- Cyg X-3
- Cyg X–1
- Cyg X–3
- Cygnus OB2
- Cynometra alexandri
- damage measures
- Dantzig’s algorithm
- data analysis
- data archive
- data mining
- data reduction
- datacenter
- datation
- deactivation methods
- debt maturities
- deconstruction
- deep learning
- defamiliaraization
- delta Scuti
- Delta Scuti
- demand and prices
- DEMATEL-AHP methodology
- demonstrator
- deniable authentication
- desorption
- detectors
- deterritorialization
- Devasthal observatory
- Devasthal optical telescope
- developed countries
- developing countries
- development
- deviation
- DH Cep
- diabetes
- diagnostic
- diametric structure
- diesel
- Difference Imaging Algorithm (DIA)
- different intelligences
- different support
- differential
- differential evolution optimization algorithm
- differential protection
- differential relay
- diffusion
- digital image watermarking
- digital video broadcasting
- dimensional variation
- diophantine equation
- direct reduced iron
- disability
- discovery
- discrete event system
- disruption
- dissolution in vitro
- distributed generation
- distribution.
- diversity
- Djebel Tababort
- Djurdjura National Park
- drama
- drilling mud (fluid)
- DSP controller
- dual-mode sorption model
- dune ridge
- dust
- dust distribution
- dust emission
- dwarf sauropods
- dynamic lightning
- dynamic method
- dynamic stability control
- dynamic wind effects.
- Dynamics
- dynamics of structures
- E-learning
- E-Transaction
- early-type
- early-type stars
- Early-type stars
- earth
- earth atmosphere
- earthquake
- earthquake duration
- earthquakes
- earthworms
- eccentrically braced frames (EBFs)
- echelle
- eclipse timing
- eclipsing
- eclipsing binaries
- eclipsing binary
- Eco-tech architecture
- ecoacoustics
- ecological groups.
- ecology
- economic and ethical public
- economic impact
- economic value added
- economies of energy
- economy and commerce
- ecosystem approach
- educational performance
- effective factors
- effective factors of empowerment
- effective temperature
- EFL discourse
- EFL learners
- Eigen face
- El Kherba
- El Khroub
- electrical stimulations
- electronic voting system
- elevation
- ElGamal cryptosystem
- emergency planning
- emergency shutdown system
- emission lines
- emission mechanisms
- emission-line stars
- Emmons pegmatite
- employees
- employment
- empowerment
- endemic species
- endemism
- endurance
- endurance training
- energy consumption
- energy management
- energy market
- energy storage
- engaging in work
- english poetry
- enterprise architecture
- enterprise architecture framework
- entropy
- environment
- environmental regulations
- environmental uncertainty
- environments
- eosphorite
- Episodic Accretion
- equal channel angular rolling (ECAR)
- equal use of sources in MLI
- equation
- equilibrium isotherm
- equivalent width
- Erlenbach
- error analysis.
- error prediction
- error tolerance
- Eruptive variables
- erythrite
- Escher
- eskeletonization
- Eslamshahr - Saveh Road
- especially scabies. Our study focuses on the spectrophotometric assay of polyphenols and flavonoids. The determination of the total phenols shows that the highest content of the polyphenols was measured in the methanol extract with a value equal to 1
- essential oil
- essential oils
- essentiel oil
- Euclidean space
- European archipelago
- eutrophication
- EUV waves
- evaluation
- evaluation criteria
- evaporation
- evolution
- executable projects
- Exomoons
- exoplanet
- Exoplanets
- exoplanets
- Exotic stars
- expanded sheet.
- expectation
- expectation tourism
- explosive consonant
- external knowledge transfer
- extinction
- extracts
- extragalactic
- extreme mass-ratio
- façade
- face detection
- Fano resonance
- Fast Fourier transform
- fatty acids
- fault
- fault-tolerant
- feature extraction
- feature selection
- feel effective
- Fermi-GBM/LAT
- Festuca rubra
- Fibonacci suite
- fiction
- financial leverage
- financial reporting
- financial reporting quality
- financial statements
- financial turn over
- financing
- finite element method
- first light
- flare
- Flare
- flares
- flash absorption spectroscopy
- flavonoids
- flexibility
- flexural strengthening
- floating pontoon breakwater
- flood
- floods
- Flora
- flora
- flora of Algeria
- floristic
- folded cascode
- followed by hexane and chloroform extracts
- food powder
- FOPID controller
- forecast
- forecasting
- foreign language
- forks
- form finding
- form of narratives
- formation
- foundation
- Fourier transform
- fractal
- fracture criteria
- framing
- Franck-Condon
- Free masonry
- free radicals
- French Polynesia
- frequency domain
- frequency modulation
- Fresnel zone
- friendly work environment
- Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket
- Fumed silica (SiO2)
- functional analysis
- functional-behavioral qualities
- fundamental parameters
- Funding agency: BELSPO
- Funding agency: DST
- fungi
- fuzzy data
- fuzzy inference system
- fuzzy numbers
- fuzzy systems
- fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller
- Gaia DR3
- galactic astrophysics
- Galactic cosmic rays
- Galactic fields
- galaxies
- galaxies: active
- galaxies: evolution
- galaxies: high-redshift
- galaxies: nuclei
- galaxies: photometry
- galaxies: Seyfert
- galaxies: stellar content
- galaxy
- galaxy clusters
- galaxy cluters
- gallstones
- game position
- gamma terpinene
- Gamma-ray burst
- Gamma-ray burst: afterglows
- Gamma-ray burst: general
- Gamma-Ray Bursts
- gas gun
- general
- generator function
- genetic algorithm
- genetic algorithm.
- genetic algorithms
- geological map
- geology
- geomorphology
- geothermal energy
- geothermic
- geothermometry
- GFRP fibers
- Giant Molecular Cloud
- GIs
- glass micro-model
- glass transition temperature
- glassy polymer
- global globalization of culture
- globalism
- globalization
- globalization- global globalization of culture
- globular cluster M15
- Globular star clusters: individual: NGC362
- goal-orientation.
- gold
- Gomringer
- graph bandwidth
- graphene oxide
- graphical user interface
- gratting.
- gravel
- gravitational lensing
- gravitational lensing: strong
- gravitational waves
- GRBs
- Great Khorasan
- Greedy Method
- green architecture
- Green Chemistry
- green cool island
- green cover
- green malachite
- greenhouse gases
- gross motor skills
- group control and condensing
- group logotherapy training
- group method of data handling
- group work enrichment
- Grupont
- Guelma
- Guerbes-Filfila (northeastern Algeria)
- Gurkani
- GX 1+4
- GX 301–2
- H II region
- H II regions
- H2O
- H2O2
- H2S
- Halophytes
- handball
- handover
- handwriting
- happiness
- Haut-le Wastia
- HD 76446)
- heat transfer
- heavy metal
- heavy metals indicators
- heavy minerals
- Helichrysum stoecha subsp. rupestre
- helioseismology
- Helix aspersa
- hemolytic test
- Her X–1
- herbal medicine
- Hertzsprung-Russell and CM diagrams
- hetero structure Y-junction
- heterogeneous network
- heterogeneous wireless networks
- high angular resolution
- high energies
- high energy astrophysics
- high resolution
- high school learners
- high speed
- high speed imaging
- high-mass X-ray binaries
- high-Q factor
- high-resolution
- high-resolution spectroscopy
- High-resolution spectroscopy
- high-speed
- hight terraces
- HII regions
- HIIT (high intensity interval training)
- historic and Islamic period
- historical buildings
- history
- history of sciences
- hole diameter
- holistic approach
- hollow cathode
- hollow-core slab
- Holocentridae
- holoparasite
- homochirality
- hospital
- hospitals
- host image
- hot B subdwarfs
- hot subdwarfs
- hot subdwarfs stars
- Hot subdwarfs stars
- Human Brain Project
- human capital
- human resources
- human – computer interaction
- human – robot interaction
- hybrid intelligent model
- Hydrodynamic simulation
- hydrodynamics
- hydrogen peroxide
- hydrography
- hydrological instationnarity
- hyperbolic geometry
- hypothesis testing
- Ibicella lutea
- ice
- identification
- IGR J17544-2619
- Ilam dam
- ILMT Field of View
- image
- image compression
- image processing
- image segmentation; neuro-fuzzy; K-means; Alzheimer; MRI.
- imaging
- imbalanced
- immovable assets
- impact test
- imperialist competitive algorithm
- implementable plans
- Important Plant Areas (IPA).
- inauguration
- incidental vocabulary learning
- increase of efficiency
- increased efficiency
- index of CBI
- Indian observatories
- indian writing
- indications
- individual
- individual (Vela X-1
- individual objects
- induced effects
- industrial wastewater
- inflation.
- informal settlement
- informal settlements
- information asymmetry
- information retrieval
- information system
- infrared
- infrastructure
- Instabilities in stars
- instability of slopes
- installation reasons
- instrumental settings
- instrumentation
- instrumentation: spectrographs
- insularity
- Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
- integrated control system
- integration
- intellectual capital
- intelligent agents
- intelligent highways
- intelligent lightning
- inter radio access technology
- interactions
- interface
- interiors
- Intermediate polars (UU Col
- Intermediate Polars (V709 Cas)
- Intermediate polars(TX Col)
- intermediate-mass black holes
- internal knowledge transfer
- international bilateral collaboration
- international understanding
- interplanetary solids
- interstellar
- interstellar matter
- Interstellar medium
- interstellar medium
- interstellar solids
- interview
- intracontinental regions
- introversion
- inventory
- inverse problem
- investigation
- investment
- investment activities
- investment efficiency
- investment opportunities
- Iranian Constitution
- iranian intermediate- Level earners
- iron ore
- iron reduction
- irregular shape
- islamic civilization
- Islamic period
- Islamic-Iranian model of progress
- island dwarfism
- island rule
- isotherm
- isotherm.
- Isotopic ratios
- IT
- it is based on a single axis of distribution and organization of space
- IT-business alignment
- Ituri
- IUCN assessment
- Ixodidae
- jets
- jets and outflows
- job motivation factors
- job satisfaction
- job stress
- Joint Radio Resource Management
- Jupiter
- kappa
- Kepler/K2
- key frame extraction
- Kilston
- kinematics
- kinetic
- kinetics
- knee links
- knowledge
- knowledge management
- knowledge sharing
- kolbeckite
- Ksour Mountains
- La Fleche quarry
- laboratory
- laboratory validation
- lack of peripheral confidence
- laminar flow-border
- laminated composite
- lamproite
- land cover
- land surface temperature
- land transportation systems
- land uses
- landscape metrics
- landslide
- language learning strategies
- language teacher education and training
- laser guide star
- Late Cretaceous
- Lavandula officinalis
- laws
- lead
- lead deposit
- leadership style.
- learning
- least square method
- lensing
- Leptogium cyanescens
- lichens
- Lie-Rinehart algebras
- Liège
- ligand Schiff
- light
- light pollution
- lightning
- lignin char
- Like other Algerian cities
- Lilida
- limestone cliffs
- limitations
- line and continuum fluxes
- line of flight
- line profiles
- linear approach
- linear form of logathims
- linear polarization
- linear programming model
- linear space
- linear systems
- lipid profile.
- lipids
- liquid limit
- liquid mirror
- Liquid Mirror Telescope
- Liquid mirror telescope
- listening comprehension
- lithological nature
- LMC X–4
- load-responsive
- Loën
- logistic regression
- long-term financing
- lossless compression
- low back pain
- low voltage
- low-mass star
- low-mass stars
- lower Meuse
- loyalty.
- LS-SVM regression
- LSB galaxy
- Lumbricus terrestris
- Luminous blue variables
- luminous bulbs
- Lyman-continuum photon
- M dwarfs
- m-health
- Mach-Zehnder interferometer
- Machine Learning
- machine learning
- machine vision
- MACHO 80.7443.1718
- macroinvertebrates.
- Magellanic
- Magellanic Clouds
- magnesium oxide
- Magnetar
- magnetic CV
- magnetic field
- magnetic fields
- magnetic hydrodynamic flow
- magnetic reconnection
- magnetic resonance imaging
- magnetism
- magnetosphere
- magnitude
- Mahdi
- malhmoodite
- Malva sylvestris.
- management accounting
- management tasks
- managers
- Mandelbrot function
- Marand city
- marine structures
- marketing
- marketing mix
- Markov chains
- Mars
- Masbourg
- Mashhad Monfared street
- mass-distribution
- mass-loss
- Mass-loss in stars
- massage
- massive binaries
- Massive binaries
- massive binary evolution
- massive star
- Massive stars
- massive stars
- material developers
- material possessions-existent
- material strengthening
- materials
- matrix bandwidth
- maximum uncertainty bound
- MC
- McGill
- meaningful sense
- meat
- mechanical closed loop system
- mechanical properties
- media literacy
- medical diagnostics
- medical images
- medicinal plants
- Mediterranean Basin
- Mediterranean sea
- mediterranean steppe
- medium size telescopes
- Medjerda River
- Mehr Eghtesad Bank
- Melaleuca alternifolia
- membership
- menopausal women
- Mergers
- mesophotic coral ecosystems
- mesophotic reefs
- mesotrophy
- metacognition
- Metal poor stars
- metal-poor stars
- Metal-Poor stars
- Metal-poor stars
- meteorite
- methods: numerical
- methods: observational
- Methods: observations
- Methods: telescope
- methods; observational
- Meuse
- Mg-phlogopite
- Mg-phlogopites
- MIC.
- micro grid
- micro-grid
- microbial control
- micrographs
- microwave
- mid-infrared bubble
- Mila and Constantine Basin.
- mimetite
- mindfulness
- mineralogy
- minerals
- minimal surfaces
- minimum distance
- minium.
- minor bodies
- minor literature
- mission and organizational agility
- Missions
- mixed-signal calibration
- mixing design
- mobile
- mobile healthcare applications
- Model (Fuzzy)
- model analytes
- model Swot
- modelling
- modern applications
- modulus of elasticity
- molding
- molecular cloud
- molecular clouds
- molecules
- monodominance.
- Monodora tenuifolia
- monoterpenes
- monotonous distribution of power loss
- monsoon
- Moresnet
- morphological heritage
- morphology
- motor imagery
- motorcycle
- Moubakhera mountain
- Muko
- multi carrier mobile networks
- multi technology
- multi-index
- multi-layer perceptron
- multi-level converter
- multi-objective programming
- multi-resistance
- multi-wavelength
- multilayer perceptron
- multilevel inverter
- multiModal user interface
- Multiple Stellar Systems
- multiply imaged quasars
- Multiwavelength emission
- municipal hospital
- mushroom
- music
- MWC 137
- MWC 314
- N-GQDs
- N-heterocyclic carbene
- N2
- N2+
- Naâma
- Nainital-Cape
- Namurian
- nano tricalcium phosphate
- nano-fluid
- nano-fluids
- nanoclay
- nanocomposite
- Nanoparticles
- nanoparticles
- nanosphare
- nanosubstrates
- Nash bargaining solution
- national park
- natural illitic clay
- naturalism
- nature of art
- near-infrared
- near-real-time
- negative resistance
- neighborhood scale
- Neogene
- nest behavior
- network connectivity
- Network: BINA
- neural network
- neuroscience
- neutralizing effect
- Neutron capture process
- neutron star
- neutron stars
- neutron–stars
- new site
- NGC 4151
- NGC 4593
- NGC 628
- NGC4395
- NH3
- nickel
- Nigella sativa L.
- Nijenhius-Richardson bracket
- nitrogen
- non-cooperative games
- non-functional requirements
- non-linear loads
- non-Newtonian fluid
- Non-radial Solar Wind
- Non-Stress Test
- Non-thermal processes
- non-thermal processes
- nonlinear optics.
- nonlinear theory
- North Africa
- NP-Hard problems
- NSGA-II algorithm
- nuclear
- nuclear medicine.
- Nuclear reactions
- nuclear waste storage
- nucleosynthesis
- Nucleosynthesis
- number theory
- numerical simulation
- nutritional value
- O-C analysis
- O2
- OAO 1657–415
- obesity
- observations
- observatories
- Observing time
- occupational self-efficacy
- oEA stars
- offshore platform safety instrument system
- oil prices variations
- Oligocene
- oligotrophy
- on-line performance
- one time password
- online performance
- ontology
- oolithic hematite
- open chain linkage
- open cluster
- open cluster: NGC 381
- Open clusters
- Open Clusters
- open clusters and associations
- open clusters and associations: individual King 18
- operational amplifier
- optical
- optical band
- optical character recognition
- optical observations
- optical resistor
- Optical spectroscopy
- optical wavelength
- optimal number of nurses
- optimization
- optimized matching
- optogeneticse
- Oran
- orbital debris
- orchid
- orexin A
- organic chemistry
- organization learning
- organization performance
- organizational effectiveness
- organizational setting
- organizational social responsibility
- organizational spirituality
- organizational stakeholders
- organogenetic totipotency
- ornamental plants
- ornamentals
- oscillation-stars
- oscillations
- oswestry
- Ourthe
- outflows
- outlier detection
- overall accuracy
- oversampling
- ownership structure
- oxidation
- oxidative stress
- Oxidative stress.
- ozone
- ozone layer
- pain
- painting art
- pairwise commutative
- palaeobotany
- palaeontology
- Pan troglodytes verus
- panel with and without stiffener
- parameters
- parasitoids
- partial immobilization model
- participation
- Particle acceleration
- particle acceleration
- partitioning
- Pasargad bank
- passive acoustic monitoring
- Patagonian lakes
- patch matching
- patient’s satisfaction
- patient’s trust
- Payam-e Noor University
- Pb
- Pb-Zn mine
- Pb2+
- PCC Connection point
- Pecher
- pedestrian tracking
- pegmatite phosphate
- pendulum tuned mass damper
- penetration depth
- péridotite
- Perilla nankinensis
- periodic variables
- permeability coefficient
- permittivity
- personal privacy
- personality congruency (PC)
- Petite-Hoursinne
- Petri net
- pH
- photochemistry
- photodesorption
- photographic plate
- photometric
- photometric variability
- Photometry
- photometry
- photonic crystal
- photosynthesis
- photovoltaic
- photovoltaic energy
- physical properties
- physico-chemical analysis.
- phytochemical screening - total phenols – flavonoids
- phytochemicals tests.
- phytoecological characterization
- phytogeography
- phytohormone concepts
- phytoremediation
- PID controller
- piezoelectricity
- pipeline A/D converter
- pKa
- Planck
- Planetary atmosphere
- Planetary systems: TRAPPIST-1
- planning
- plant designs
- plant differenciation and dedifferenciation
- plant growth and development
- plant stress; plant cancer
- plants
- plaster brickwork
- plastic limit
- plasticity index
- Plio- Pleistocene
- plots
- Pluto
- polarimetry
- polarisation observations
- polarity
- polarization
- policy analysis matrix
- politics
- pollution
- poly anionic cellulose
- Polymers
- polyphenols
- Population III stars
- population membership
- population-synthesis
- porous vertical plate
- portfolio selection problem
- positioning
- positive buck-boost DC-DC converter
- postcolonial condition
- power conception
- power market
- power quality
- power series approximation
- power supply
- power system
- power transformer
- power- dependent factor
- pre-main-sequence
- prebiotic
- predators
- prediabetes
- prediction
- predictive current control
- prefabrication
- pregnancy
- primary high school
- principle component analysis
- prioritize of effective factors
- prioritizing
- prism tensegrity
- private doctors
- privatization
- pro-rata warranty
- product innovation
- profit
- Progenitors
- progress
- project physical progress
- project prototype models
- prompt emission
- psychological capital
- psychological empowerment
- public transport
- pulsating stars
- pulsation
- pulsations
- pumpellyite-(Al)
- punishment policy framework
- PV
- Pyrenophora tritici-repentis
- pyroelectricity
- Qazvin Province Water and Wastewater Company.
- quadrotor
- qualitative study
- quality
- quality management
- quality of life
- Quasar
- quasars
- quasars: supermassive black holes
- Quaternary
- Quran
- R-(+)-pulegone
- r-process enhanced stars
- Rabotrath
- radial basis function.
- Radial Velocity
- radiation mechanisms
- radiation mechanisms: non-thermal
- radiation mechanisms: thermal
- radio
- Radio astrophysics
- radio continuum
- radio continuum: ISM
- radio continuum: stars
- radio observation
- radio waves
- radio waves casualties
- radioactive shales.
- radioactivity
- rancieite
- rare earth minerals
- rarity
- reachability problem
- reading comprehension
- reading skills
- Real Time Kinematic GPS
- real/bogus classifier
- reciprocity
- reconfiguration problem
- red giants
- red palm weevil
- red supergiant stars
- reduce consumption
- reflection
- reflexology
- refractive index
- refuge area
- Region 19
- regional climate
- Regresion.
- reinforcement learning
- relational capital
- relationship marketing
- relativity
- reliability
- remote sensing
- renewable energy sources
- Reputation
- resilience
- respectively. The flavonoid dosage revealed that the methanolic extract contained a maximum of flavonoids with a level of 0
- responsive loads
- restricted
- retaining wall
- retinal images
- retrofitting
- retrofitting-non-non-operating- passive defense
- return on assets
- reverberation
- reversible genetic algorithm
- review
- RFID technology
- rheological properties
- rheological properties.
- Rhynchosporium secalis
- ripening
- Ripley function
- risk
- risk assessment
- river
- rivers
- Rmax Parameter and Fvar amplitude
- roaming
- roAp
- Robbins-Monro
- role play
- romanèchite
- Romont
- Rosmarinus officinalis
- Rossby number
- rot
- rotation
- rotational analysis
- RR Lyare
- RR Lyrae
- rules and regulation
- runaway stars
- s-process elements
- S10 - IRAS 17036-4033
- Safavids
- safety management
- Saffarzadeh
- sales
- Salmchâteau
- sand dunes and the Maïtar river (Oued Maïtar)
- sanitation - modernization
- Sart
- Sassanid
- Saver
- Scabiosa Atropurpurea sub. Maritima L. is a plant of the family of Dipsacaceae used intraditional medicine for the treatment of certain skin diseases
- Scabiosa AtropurpureaL.
- scaling
- scattering
- scheduling
- schema model
- Schouten-Nijenhius bracket
- scoliosis
- scotlandite
- Scrophularia frutescens L.
- SDSS J1251+2935
- seaming cylindrical shells
- seamless cylindrical shells
- search engine
- seasonal variability
- second language teaching
- second law of thermodynamics
- secondary metabolites
- security
- security assurance
- sedimentology
- sediments
- segmentation
- segregation
- seismic activity
- seismic performance evaluation
- seismic risks
- selecting a wireless access technology
- selenium dioxyde
- self organization networking (SON)
- self-adaptive systems
- self-assessment
- self-efficacy
- self-esteem
- semantic web
- semiochemicals
- Semnan
- Semnan province
- Semois
- Senegal
- Sengier
- sense of self
- sensing coverage
- sensitivity of investment
- Sentinel-2A
- SeO2
- separation
- series
- Serpont massif
- service
- service delivery
- service innovation
- Sesamum indicum L.
- set protocol
- severe plastic deformation (SPD)
- Seyfert
- shape contour
- shape matching
- shape modeling
- shelf life
- Short time Fourier transform
- short-term financing
- short-timescale variability
- side-channel attack
- siderite
- Silene aristidis
- Silene auriculifolia..
- Silene sessionis
- single link beams
- single-crystal X-ray diffraction
- Sitta ledanti
- skeleton
- sliding flow
- slow light
- small ruminants
- small-signal model
- smart grid
- smart grids
- so it is insecure and characterized by a great introversion.
- soap
- social network analysis
- Social network analysis tools
- social relations
- social responsibilities
- social- economic and formative structure
- society
- society and economics globalization challenges and strategies
- society and economics globalization challenges and strategies.
- software
- soil
- soil and wall interaction
- soil salinization
- sol-gel
- solar abundances
- solar abundances – solar photosphere
- solar activity
- solar aircraft
- solar energy.
- solar flares
- solar panels
- solar physics
- solar system
- Solar system minor bodies
- solar tracker
- Solar Wind
- solar-type stars
- solvents
- sorghum
- sorption
- Souk Ahras
- sound
- soundscape ecology
- south of Tehran
- space debris
- space domain
- space syntax
- Space Weather
- spatial distribution
- spatial patterns
- spatial structure
- speaking proficiency
- speaking test
- Spectral Energy Distributions
- spectral properties.
- spectrograph
- spectrometer
- spectroscopic
- spectroscopic binaries
- spectroscopy
- specular subject
- speed
- spinning reserve
- spontaneous habitat
- sport injuries
- sport managers
- Spotted-Wing Drosophila (SWD)
- spreadsheet
- stability
- staff empowerment
- stair case
- star
- star clusters
- Star formation
- star formation
- Star Formation History
- star forming regions
- Star-formation
- Star-forming regions
- star: abundances
- star: individual (HR 8038
- star: stellar atmosphere
- Stars
- stars
- stars : chemically peculiar
- stars: AB Dor
- stars: abundances
- stars: activity
- stars: AGB and post-AGB
- Stars: AGB and post-AGB
- stars: atmospheres
- Stars: Be
- stars: binaries
- stars: binaries: general
- stars: binary
- Stars: blue straggler
- stars: CC Eri
- stars: chemically-peculiar
- stars: chromospheres
- stars: coronae
- stars: early-type
- stars: emission-line
- stars: evolution
- stars: flare
- stars: formation
- Stars: Giants
- stars: horizontal branch
- stars: horizontal-branch
- stars: individual (HD 168112)
- stars: individual (HD 168112; HD 167971)
- Stars: individual : HD 118660-stars
- stars: individual: TIC 033834484
- stars: individual: TIC 137608661
- Stars: individual: zeta Tau
- stars: individual: β Hydri
- stars: interiors
- stars: low-mass
- stars: magnetic field.
- stars: magnetic fields
- stars: mass-loss
- stars: massive
- stars: model atmospheres
- stars: oscillations
- stars: oscillations (including pulsations)
- stars: pre-main sequence
- stars: pulsations
- stars: rotation
- stars: subdwarfs
- stars: variability
- stars: variables
- stars: winds
- stars: Wolf-Rayet
- stars: WR 114
- stars: WR 142
- starspots
- state index
- state ownership
- static method
- stationary subspace analysis
- Statistics of extremes
- steel plate shear wall
- Stellar activity
- stellar atmospheres
- stellar bow shocks
- Stellar Coronae
- Stellar evolution
- stellar evolution
- Stellar imaging
- stellar magnetic fields
- stellar multiplicity
- Stellar occultation
- stellar pulsations
- stellar rotation
- stellar structure and evolution
- stellar wind
- stellar winds
- sticky point temperature
- stock return
- stock returns
- storage
- strategic alignment
- stream cipher
- street
- strength
- strong-lensing
- structural capital
- structural components
- structure
- structure and dynamics
- strut-and-tie model
- subdwarf B
- subdwarfs
- such as Maïtar. The latter has established itself in a peripheral site
- suitability to irrigation
- Sultan Muhammad’s ascension painting
- Sun: chromosphere
- Sun: corona
- Sun: evolution
- Sun: photosphere
- sunspot
- super resolution
- super resolution algorithm
- Supergiants
- supergiants
- supermanifolds
- Supernova remnants
- Supernovae
- supernovae
- supernovae: general
- superparamagnetic
- superpixel
- supervisory control
- supply chain
- Supreme Administrative Council
- Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution
- Supreme National Security Council
- surface brightness
- surface runoff
- Survey
- survey
- surveys
- sustainability
- sustainable architecture
- Sustainable beach management.
- sustainable development
- sustainable development.
- sustainable income
- sustainable urban development.
- Swift J0939.7-3224)
- symmetry
- synchronous generator
- Synchrotron
- synergy
- synthesis
- synthetic spectra
- system of energy information management
- systematic
- SZ Lyn
- table tennis.
- Takagi-Sugeno
- tall building
- tannins
- targeting subsidies
- taxonomy
- TDI optical corrector
- TE
- teachers’ beliefs
- teachers’ narratives
- Tébessa
- technique
- techniques
- techniques: photometric
- Techniques: photometric
- Techniques: spectroscopic
- Techniques: spectroscopy
- techniques: spectroscopy
- Tehran Municipality
- Tehran municipality in region
- Tehran stock exchange stock price forecasting
- Telescope
- telescope
- Telescope: DOT
- Telescope: ILMT
- Telescope: TESS
- Telescopes
- telescopes
- telescopes: DOT
- telescopes: ILMT
- tellar evolution
- temperature prediction algorithm
- temperature profile
- template
- terrace
- terraces
- Tertiary
- TESS : δ Sct : pulsator
- Tessala
- test rig
- Tetraclinis articulata
- Tetranychus urticae
- Teucrium polium L.
- textbook evaluation
- textile designs
- textures
- The application of this analysis through the tools of the axial map and the "all line analysis" map on the city of Bou-Saâda demonstrated the segregation of the district of Maïtar compared to the urban system
- the interpretation of these results is considered by the very limited number of ways that connect the district with the system and the spatial isolation due to the isolation. The internal network of the district is no longer permeable
- the mean-variance-skewness model
- the most critical opening
- the pace of construction of official housing could not cope with this situation. Areas of spontaneous housing have emerged
- the political dimension of social
- the staff participation
- theophylline
- therapeutic applications
- Thermal
- thermodynamic
- thermoplasticity.
- thickness of fibers
- Thier del Preu
- This article discusses the assessment of the integration of Maïtar's spontaneous habitat neighborhood into the urban system of the city of Bou-Saâda through the Space syntax method
- threat
- threats
- thymoquinone
- Thymus algeriensis
- Thymus bleicherianus
- Thymus zygis
- Ti
- Ti-phlogopite
- TIC 309658435
- tilting.
- Time Allocation Committee
- time-delay
- time-driven activity based on costing system
- time-history analysis
- time-Interleaved ADC
- timing
- Tindouf
- tip-tilt
- tip-tilt correction
- Titan
- titanic ion
- Tizi-Ouzou
- Tobin's Q ratio
- tomb shrine
- topology optimization
- total harmonic distortion
- total proteins
- tourism
- tracking system
- trainers
- training
- trajectory
- trajectory tracking
- transformer
- transit method
- Transit photometry
- transiting exoplanets
- transits
- translation
- transmission
- transport processes
- transportation
- treatment based on acceptance and commitment
- triacylglycerols
- tropical area
- trust
- trust factor
- trust publishing
- TSET protocol
- Tunisia
- Turbulence
- turnover intention
- twofish
- ultimate bearing capacity
- ultracompact H II regions
- ultrasonic technology
- ultraviolet: galaxies
- uncertainty
- under the pressure of political and socio-economic events marking the history of the city and the nation
- underground waters
- universe
- University College of London
- university of medical sciences
- unsteady flow
- uranium
- uranium deposits.
- urban cool island
- urban design guideline
- urban development
- urban distressed areas
- urban ecosystem
- urban greening
- urban growth
- urban management
- urban planning.
- urban road accidents
- urban tourism
- urban travels
- urbanism theories and models
- urinary tract infection
- user’s accuracy and commission
- uses
- utilization technologies
- UV
- variability
- variable stars
- variables
- variables: eclipsing
- variables: pulsating
- variables: rotational
- vegetation
- vegetation index
- vehicle detection
- Vela X–1
- vertical handoff
- very low mass stars
- Vesdre
- VHE emission
- vibrational analysis
- video summarization
- Vielsalm
- Villé formation
- violations
- virtual power plant
- virtual work method
- viscoelastic
- visible
- visual appeal
- visual cryptography
- visualization
- vocabulary recall
- vocabulary retention
- voided slab
- voltage-controllable oscillator
- voting algorithms
- Wadsworth
- walkability
- wall displacement.
- war
- warranty
- warranty cost
- warranty policies
- water quality
- watermark image
- watersheds
- wave propagation
- wavelet transform
- Wavelet transform
- waves
- web mining
- weed
- weighted voting
- wetland
- wetlands
- wheat
- which is interested in the analysis of spatial configurations of architectural objects and urban systems by the spatial translation of social behaviors through a set of tools and techniques allowing the completion of several models interpretations of diff
- which reflects a segregation and low connectivity within the neighborhood and with the entire system urban city. Space as a whole is less frequented
- white dwarfs
- White dwarfs
- William& Bukowitz model
- wind energy
- wind turbine
- wireless sensor networks
- wisdom of music
- Wisembach
- with great poverty in terms of public facilities and spaces of conviviality.
- Wolf–Rayet star
- women writers
- Word Of Mouth.
- workability
- working capital
- worms.
- X-band
- X-ray
- X-ray astronomy
- X-ray binaries
- X-ray binary stars
- X-ray spectroscopy
- X-ray star
- X-rays
- X-rays: binaries
- X-rays: stars
- Xanthan gum polymer
- xanthine
- xenotime-(Y)
- Yellow straggler stars
- young stars
- Young Stellar Object
- Zaab basin
- zenith sky survey
- zeolites
- zero energy
- zero-energy building
- zinc ore
- Zn
- zoning
- zooplankton
- γ Cas
- γ-alumina
- δ Scuti