sinds 05 februari 2011 :
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Karan Dsilva

A High-resolution Spectrograph at a Metre-class Telescope at Devasthal: What Can Be Gained?

(Volume 93 - Année 2024 — No 2 - Proceeedings of the 3rd BINA Workshop on the Scientific Potential of the Indo-Belgian Cooperation)
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The Indo-Belgian bilateral project titled “Belgo-Indian Network for Astronomy and Astrophysics (BINA)” is an excellent initiative to spark scientific collaboration between Belgian and Indian astronomers. The Belgian university, KU Leuven, owns and operates the semi-robotic Mercator telescope - a 1.2m telescope stationed at the Roque de los Muchachos observatory on the island of La Palma. This telescope is equipped with the High-Efficiency and high-Resolution Mercator Echelle Spectrograph (HERMES). This contribution aims to discuss a long-standing idea - what would BINA, and by extension the entire Indian astronomical community, gain with the addition of a similar 1-m class telescope with a high-resolution spectrograph in Devasthal.

Keywords : Techniques: spectroscopy, telescopes, instrumentation: spectrographs

Om dit artikel te citeren:

Karan Dsilva, «A High-resolution Spectrograph at a Metre-class Telescope at Devasthal: What Can Be Gained?», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 93 - Année 2024, No 2 - Proceeedings of the 3rd BINA Workshop on the Scientific Potential of the Indo-Belgian Cooperation, 56-67 URL :

Over : Karan Dsilva

Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Université Libre de Bruxelles. Correspondence to: