- Accueil
- Volume 112 (1989)
- Fascicule 1
- Deformation-analysis and balanced cross-sections of the western part of the Rhenish Massif : a new approach based on strain analysis
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Claus von Winterfeld, Th. Schievenbusch & U. Dittmar
Deformation-analysis and balanced cross-sections of the western part of the Rhenish Massif : a new approach based on strain analysis
(Volume 112 (1989) — Fascicule 1)
Pour citer cet article
Claus von Winterfeld, Th. Schievenbusch & U. Dittmar, «Deformation-analysis and balanced cross-sections of the western part of the Rhenish Massif : a new approach based on strain analysis», Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique [En ligne], Volume 112 (1989), Fascicule 1, 258 URL : https://popups.ulg.ac.be/0037-9395/index.php?id=978.
A propos de : Claus von Winterfeld
Geologisches Institut der RWTH Aachen, Wüllnerstrasse, 2, D-5100 Aachen, F.R.G.
A propos de : Th. Schievenbusch
Geologisches Institut, Nussallee, 8, D-5300 Bonn 1, F.R.G.
A propos de : U. Dittmar