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- Volume 112 (1989)
- Fascicule 1
Fascicule 1
Jean Michot
Les grilles d'interprétation des unités continentalesMartin J.M. Bless
Event-induced changes in late Cretaceous to early Paleocene ostracode assemblages of the SE Netherlands and NE BelgiumP.J. (Sjeuf) Felder & Martin J.M. Bless
Biostratigraphy and ecostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous deposits in the Kunrade area (South-Limburg, SE Netherlands)Martin J.M. Bless & P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder
Note on the Late Cretaceous of Hockai (Hautes Fagnes, NE Belgium)Muriel Fairon-Demaret
Selaginellites resimus Rowe, une lycophyte herbacée du Viséen (Warnantien) de ViséHenryk Kucha, Willy Viaene & Rudy Swennen
Replacement phenomena in Zn-Pb deposits of the Verviers and Namur synclinoria, BelgiumKatleen Maes, Carry Peeters, Philippe Muchez, Rudy Swennen & Willy Viaene
The occurrence of paleosols in the lower Visean of the Walhorn section (Vesder Basin, E-Belgium)Frédéric Boulvain
Origine microbienne du pigment ferrugineux des monticules micritiques du Frasnien de l'ArdenneLéon Dejonghe, Daniel Demaiffe & Hendrik Gorzawski
Géochimie isotopique (C, O, Sr) des dolomies frasniennes du Massif de Philippeville (Synclinorium de Dinant, Belgique)Philippe Steemans
Paléogéographie de l'Eodévonien ardennais et des régions limitrophesJ.J. Lefebvre
Les gisements stratiformes en roche sédimentaire d'Europe centrale (Kupferschiefer) et de la ceinture cuprifère du Zaïre et de ZambieFrédéric Boulvain
Observations sur la cimentation des biohermes de «marbre rouge» du Frasnien franco-belgeAnne Darimont
Veines de quartz riches en azote dans l'aire métamorphique de Givonne, BelgiqueAnne Darimont
Importance du volume d'un fluide périphérique a peine visible dans une cavité intracristallineLutz Hermann Kreutzer
Reef-basin distance in the Devonian of the Carnic AlpsBurkhard Reissner
The Givetian-Frasnian boundary at the southern border of the Inde SynclinoriumBernd Steingrobe & Adolphe Müller
Compared sedimentology in the Upper Carboniferous of the Inde- and Wurm-Synclinorium, W-GermanyRaphaël Conil, Eric Groessens, Martin Laloux & Eddy Poty
La limite Tournaisien/Viséen dans la région-typeFernand Geukens
Observations structurales entre La Reid et Surister (Massif de Theux)Yiannis Liritzis
Dating of Quaternary sediments by beta thermoluminescence : investigations of a new methodMichel Deliens
L'agardite-(Y) de Mutoshi, Shaba, ZaïreAlain Demoulin
Les transgressions oligocènes sur le massif Ardenne-EifelDaniel Baudet, M. Hanon, E. Lemonne, K. Theunissen, S. Buyagu, J. Dehandschutter, W. Ngizimana, P. Nsengiyumva, J.B. Rusanganwa & A. Tahon
Lithostratigraphie du domaine sédimentaire de la chaine kibarienne au RwandaR. Walter, Eddy Poty, Maurice Streel, Société Géologique de Belgique & Natural History Museum, Maastricht
Assessment of paleogeographic distances : implications for applied geology
Aachen-Liege universities exchange days in Aaachen, November 27th, 1987Martin J.M. Bless
The Late Cretaceous between Antwerp and Aachen : differentiation in sedimentary facies as a response to tectonic activityMartin J.M. Bless
The Ordovician of Britanny and Portugal, similar sedimentary sequences deposited several hundreds of kilometers apartMichiel Dusar
The Westphalian C in the Campine basin : coal content influenced by tectonicsLutz Hermann Kreutzer
Reef-basin distance in the Devonian of the Carnic AlpsEddy Poty
Similar tectono-sedimentary evolutions and important lateral changes in a block-faulting systemB. Reissneri
Carbonate facies and biostratigraphy in the Upper Devonian of the Inde-SynclinoriumPhilippe Steemans
Reworking of palynomorphs as a tool for paleogeographic reconstruction : an example in the Lower DevonianMaurice Streel
Lateral distribution of miospores as a tool for assessment of paleogeographic distancesVolker Wrede
Relations between Inde- and Wurm Syncline (Aachen coal district, F.R.G.)M. Zeller
Stratigraphical and sedimentological comparison between Inde- and Wurm areaMartin J.M. Bless & Maurice Streel
ConclusionsPierre Overlau & Jos Bouckaert
Meuse-Rhine geologists Meeting
Namur - May 5-6, 1989Mia Demeersseman & Hans Van Hedel
Geology and informaticsMichiel Dusar, Roland Dreesen & Rudy Swennen
Geological reconnaissance in the subsurface of the north Belgium : recent results by the Belgian geological surveyWillem J.J. Fermont
Seam development and vitrinite reflectancePhilippe Muchez & Willy Viaene
Zoned calcite cements : their occurrence and influence on the Mn/Fe ratio of Visean limestones of the Campine-Brabant Basin, BelgiumThomas Muntzos
Terrestrial sediments and paleosoils from the Lower Devonian (Emsian) in the Rhenish Massif (W. Germany)P. Redecke & Günther Friedrich
Recent investigations of Pb-Zn mineralizations in South Limburg (Nl) and the northern EifelMaurice Streel, Muriel Fairon-Demaret & Stanislas Loboziak
Givetian-Frasnian phytogeography of Euramerica and western Gondwana based on miospore distributionT. Utescher
Comparison of carbonate types from the Lower/Middle Devonian boundary beds of the southern Eifel hills and the Dinant SynclineM. van Steenwinkel
The Devonian-Carboniferous boundary on the Dinant Platform : an approach by sequence stratigraphyClaus von Winterfeld, Th. Schievenbusch & U. Dittmar
Deformation-analysis and balanced cross-sections of the western part of the Rhenish Massif : a new approach based on strain analysisJens Wagener
U-Pb-age determinations on detrical zircons of Lower Devonian rocks of the Ardenne and the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge