Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique -  Volume 97 (1974)  Fascicule 2 

Dynamo-thermal metamorphism related to emplacement of ultramafics on examples from the Dinarides

Stevan Karamata
Rudarsko-geoloski Facultet, Djusina 7, 11000 Beograd (Yougoslavie).


Metamorphic rocks beneath ultramafic parts of ophiolite suites, viewed as contact dynamo-thermal aureoles related to the thermal capacity of ultramafics, from different parts of Dinarides are compared. They originated by influence of high temperature ultramafic bodies and represent (high to) middle pressure metamorphic series: (eclogite — granulite —)   amphibolite  —  epidote-amphibolite  — greenschist  facies.

Such successions of metamorphic facies are considered to be characteristic of narrow oceanic areas with the midoceanic ridge, i.e. relatively high temperatures in the uppermost parts of the Mantle, near to the roots of the obduction zone.

To cite this article

Stevan Karamata, «Dynamo-thermal metamorphism related to emplacement of ultramafics on examples from the Dinarides», Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique [En ligne], Volume 97 (1974), Fascicule 2, 541 - 545 URL :