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- Volume 114 (1991)
- Fascicule 1 (Proceedings of the International Meeting on the Caledonides of the Midlands and the Brabant Massif)
Fascicule 1 (Proceedings of the International Meeting on the Caledonides of the Midlands and the Brabant Massif)
Luc André, Alain Herbosch, Michel Vanguestaine & Jacques Verniers
Proceedings of the International Meeting on the Caledonides of the Midlands and the Brabant Massif : Brussels, 20 to 23 September 1989Jacques Verniers, Luc André, Alain Herbosch & Michel Vanguestaine
Introduction to the International Meeting on the Caledonides of the Midlands and the Brabant MassifN.H. Woodcock
The Welsh, Anglian and Belgian Caledonides comparedBernd-Dietrich Erdtmann
The post-Cadomian Early Palaeozoic tectonostratigraphy of Germany (Attempt at an analytical review)M.K. Lee, T.C. Pharaoh & C.A. Green
Structural trends in the concealed basement of eastern England from images of regional potential field dataT.C. Pharaoh, R.J. Merriman, J.A. Evans, T.S. Brewer, P.C. Webb & N.J.P. Smith
Early Palaeozoic arc-related volcanism in the concealed caledonides of southern BritainS.G. Molyneux
The contribution of palaeontological data to an understanding of the Early Palaeozoic framework of eastern EnglandJohn Lovell, Stuart Crampin & Tom Shepherd
Measurement and confirmation of tectonic stress directions using three-component seismic dataLuc André
The concealed crystalline basement in Belgium and the "Brabantia" microplate concept : constraints from the Caledonian magmatic and sedimentary rocksDamien Delvaux de Fenffe & Dominique Laduron
Caledonian and Variscan structures in the Rocroi-Ardenne Lower Palaeozoic basement (Belgium and adjacent countries)Jacques Verniers & Geert Van Grootel
Review of the Silurian in the Brabant Massif, BelgiumAlain Herbosch, Michel Vanguestaine, J.M. Degardin, Léon Dejonghe, Nathalie Fagel & Thomas Servais
Etude lithostratigraphique, biostratigraphique et sédimentologique du sondage de Lessines (bord méridional du Massif du Brabant, Belgique)Michel Vanguestaine
Datation par acritarches des couches cambro-trémadociennes les plus profondes du sondage de Lessines (bord méridional du Massif du Brabant, Belgique)Thomas Servais
Contribution to the stratigraphy of the Ordovician Rigenée formation (Brabant Massif, Belgium) with a preliminary study on acritarchsThomas Servais
Discovery of turbiditical levels in the Late Ordovician of the Sennette Valley (Brabant Massif, Belgium)Luc Hance, Philippe Steemans, Eric Goemaere, Yvonne Somers, Georges Vandenven, Michel Vanguestaine & Jacques Verniers
Nouvelles données sur la Bande de Sambre-et-Meuse à Ombret (Huy, Belgique)Eddy Poty
Tectonique de blocs dans le prolongement oriental du Massif du BrabantL. Lebbe, M. Mahauden & W. De Breuck
Interpretation of pumping tests in the anisotropic Brabant Massif by means of a numerical inverse model