Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement/Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment

1370-6233 1780-4507


Facteur d'impact : 1,087 (2020)


Olivier Fumière, Pascal Veys, Ana Boix, Christoph von Holst, Vincent Baeten & Gilbert Berben
Methods of detection, species identification and quantification of processed animal proteins in feedingstuffs
volume 13 (2009)numéro spécial
Mahmoud M’Hamdi, Hela Chikh-Rouhou, Naima Boughalleb & José Ignacio Ruiz de Galarreta
Ribosome Inactivating Protein of barley enhanced resistance to Rhizoctonia solani in transgenic potato cultivar ‘Desirée’ in greenhouse conditions
Volume 17 (2013)numéro 1
Rosette Kabwang a Mpalang, Mireille Kakubu a Mpalang, Clarence Mukeng Kaut, Raphaël Boreux, Pierrette Melin, Faustin Khang'mate Akir Ni Bitiang, Georges Daube & Patrick De Mol
Bacteriological assessment of smoked game meat in Lubumbashi, D.R.C.
Volume 17 (2013)numéro 3
Mariama Dalanda Diallo, Aliou Guisse, Saïdou Nourou Sall, Richard Patrick Dick, Komi Bruno Assigbetse, Amadou Lamine Dieng & Jean-Luc Chotte
Influence of tropical leaf litter on nitrogen mineralization and community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria
Volume 19 (2015)Numéro 2
Gilbert Berben, Éric Janssen & Frédéric Debode
Détection, identification et quantification des transgènes dans les aliments par amplification génique
Volume 4 (2000)Numéro 4
Xavier Vekemans, Olivier Hardy, Bruno Berken, Bourlaye Fofana & Jean-Pierre Baudoin
Use of PCR-RFLP on chloroplast DNA to investigate phylogenetic relationships in the genus Phaseolus
Volume 2 (1998)Numéro 2
Marie-Caroline Lecrenier, Aline Marien, Gilbert Berben, Olivier Fumière, Pascal Veys & Vincent Baeten
Survey of animal by-products in feedingstuffs before the reintroduction of processed animal proteins in aquafeed
Volume 23 (2019)Numéro 4
Olivier Fumière, Jutta Zagon & Marie-Caroline Lecrenier
Re-authorization of gelatin and collagen of ruminant origin in non-ruminant feed: a new analytical challenge for the control of the feed ban
Volume 26 (2022)Special issue : 150 years of CRA-W

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