
Rudy Swennen, Martin J.M. Bless, Jos Bouckaert, Tatiana P. Razina & Kirill V. Simakov
Evaluation of transgression-regression events in the Upper Famennian-Tournaisian strata of the Southeastern Omolon area (NE-Siberia, USSR)
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 1 (Late Devonian events around the Old Red Continent)
Eddy Poty
Late Devonian to Early Tournaisian rugose corals
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 1 (Late Devonian events around the Old Red Continent)
Rudy Swennen, Willy Viaene, Jos Bouckaert, Kirill V. Simakov & Paul Van Oyen
Lithogeochemistry of Upper Famennian-Tournaisian strata in the Omolon area (NE-USSR) and its implications
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 1 (Late Devonian events around the Old Red Continent)
Ye. V. Kolesov
Paleomagnetic stratigraphy of the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary beds in the Soviet North-East and in the Franco-Belgian basin (short note)
Volume 107 (1984)Volume complet
N.A. Shilo, Jos Bouckaert, G.A. Afanasjeva, Martin J.M. Bless, Raphaël Conil, O.A. Erlanger, M.H. Gagiev, S.S. Lazarev, Yu. l. Onoprienko, Eddy Poty, Tatiana P. Razina, Kirill V. Simakov, L.V. Smirnova, Maurice Streel & Rudy Swennen
Sedimentological and paleontological atlas of the Late Famennian and Tournaisian deposits in the Omolon region (NE-USSR)
Volume 107 (1984)Volume complet
Kirill V. Simakov, Martin J.M. Bless, Jos Bouckaert, Raphaël Conil, M.H. Gagiev, Ye. V. Kolesov, Yu. l. Onoprienko, Eddy Poty, Tatiana P. Razina, N.A. Shilo, L.V. Smirnova, Maurice Streel & Rudy Swennen
Upper Famennian and Tournaisian deposits of the Omolon region (NE - USSR)
Volume 106 (1983)Fascicule 2
Raphaël Conil, Eddy Poty, Kirill V. Simakov & Maurice Streel
Foraminifères, spores et coraux du Famennien supérieur et du Dinantien du Massif de l'Omolon (extrême-orient soviétique)
Volume 105 (1982)Fascicule 1
Jos Bouckaert & Paul Boonen
A conodont fauna of the Dinantian from the Kuznetsk Basin (southern Siberia)
Volume 100 (1977)Volume complet
Description géologique de la partie Nord-Est de la chaîne de Salaïr, en Altaï, gouvernement du Tomsk
Volume 2 (1874-1875)Volume complet

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