Jacques Verniers

Jacques Verniers, Luc André, Alain Herbosch & Michel Vanguestaine
Introduction to the International Meeting on the Caledonides of the Midlands and the Brabant Massif
Volume 114 (1991)Fascicule 1 (Proceedings of the International Meeting on the Caledonides of the Midlands and the Brabant Massif)
Luc André, Alain Herbosch, Michel Vanguestaine & Jacques Verniers
Proceedings of the International Meeting on the Caledonides of the Midlands and the Brabant Massif : Brussels, 20 to 23 September 1989
Volume 114 (1991)Fascicule 1 (Proceedings of the International Meeting on the Caledonides of the Midlands and the Brabant Massif)
Luc Hance, Philippe Steemans, Eric Goemaere, Yvonne Somers, Georges Vandenven, Michel Vanguestaine & Jacques Verniers
Nouvelles données sur la Bande de Sambre-et-Meuse à Ombret (Huy, Belgique)
Volume 114 (1991)Fascicule 1 (Proceedings of the International Meeting on the Caledonides of the Midlands and the Brabant Massif)
Jacques Verniers & Geert Van Grootel
Review of the Silurian in the Brabant Massif, Belgium
Volume 114 (1991)Fascicule 1 (Proceedings of the International Meeting on the Caledonides of the Midlands and the Brabant Massif)
Luc André, Alain Herbosch, Stephen Louwye, Thomas Servais, Geert Van Grootel, Michel Vanguestaine & Jacques Verniers
Guidebook to the excursion on the stratigraphy and magmatic rocks of the Brabant Massif, Belgium
Volume 114 (1991)Fascicule 2 (Guidebook to the excursion on the stratigraphy and magmatic rocks of the Brabant Massif, Belgium)
Stephen Louwye, Geert Van Grootel & Jacques Verniers
The stratigraphy of the type locality of the ?Late Wenlock/Early Ludlow Mont Godart Formation and the Early Ludlow Ronquières Formation, Brabant Massif, Belgium
Volume 115 (1992)Fascicule 1
Jacques Verniers & Barrie Rickards
Graptolites et chitinozoaires siluriens de la vallée de la Burdinale, Massif du Brabant, Belgique
Volume 101 (1978)Volume complet

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